[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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Kicking some marines, you manage to face smoker, smoker hesitated on taking action and stopping you, he growled once more as he stared at you.
"Smoker-" "don't say my name casually, at the end of the day, you're still a pirate." He let out a tch as he pointed his sword on you.
"Dang he's brave to point the sword even if the warlords and pirates surrounding him ready to aimlessly kill him." One of the marine soldiers murmured.
Smoker took the time to analyze the area as everyone 's focus was on him, he let out a defeat sigh and Doflamingo appeared.
"Fufufu good dog~" Doflamingo mocked looking at the defeated smoker, "this isn't fair! You can't just surrender I didn't even hit you." You crossed your arms.
"Do you want me to get killed woman?!" Smoker shuffled his cigarette and turned away from you, "don't you dare look away from me." You angry huff.
"I want a fair fight." You stated, "it was a fair fight, I just surrendered, not because I cared about you— but it's because..." smoker stopped finding the right words to say, he was lying, he does care for you and won't fight you, he honestly wish he could just grab you and lock you up where he can have you by himself.
Of course Doflamingo wanted the same, he wanted you more than anything, hes the most possessive man you'll met, he'll even kill just to have on night with you, he's just waiting for the perfect time to snatch you and lock you away all by himself.
He let out an amuse chuckle as he made another version of himself and continued fighting other pirates, you were now facing the high demon himself.
"Fufufu, my my~ what a coincidence, now we must fight." Doflamingo grin as his strings moves and you easily dodge him.
"You rely on your observation haki too much, let me change that." Doflamingo grinned even more as his hand twitch towards your direction and many string clones were now attacking you.
Thinking quickly you jumped up trying to dodge the clones, the clones manage to cut your cheeks which bled out, the cut was nothing but you needed to increase your speed.
Relying upon your observation haki you manage to land a firm kick on Doflamingo's waist, you were dodging the clones because even if you land a hit it wouldn't affect the main user itself.
The interesting part is when he only smirked and locked you on his strings, he pulled you close, "you've become faster fufufu, I like that~" he purred as Mihawk split two section making Doflamingo back off.