[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As luffy declared war Luffy stretched his hands and lunched the crew to the building, you were knocked out by lucci and was taken away to flee the island.
At this point lucci was just trying to avoid luffy into rescuing you.
"It feels weird having [Name] constantly asleep." Kaku commented as lucci growled, "don't worry about her give her to me." Lucci demanded as Kaku just sighned.
"You know that's sexual harassment." Kalifa stated as lucci rolled his eyes, "Kalifa, you'll have the main key of Robin, and Kaku you'll have [Name]'s key." Lucci trailed off.
"Better protect it, I don't want those pirates having it their way with [Name], especially when she's important and overal powerful, she can be use as a weapon." Lucci said as Kaku nodded.
"Oi! How about give [Name]'s keys to me!" Jyabura suggested, "no." Everyone said in sync.
"Lucci how about Blueno?" Kalifa asked as lucci stopped his tracks, "Blueno will be alright, don't you worry, after we capture the strawhats we will treat him." Lucci stated as the cp.0 members split up.
"[Name].." Robin mumbled looking at your sleeping state, "she's better off unconscious." Lucci said as he looked at Robin.
Spandam laughed as he pushed down Robin once again and lucci place you in front of him, "she will be the death of the world government if she falls on the wrong hands." Lucci commented as he sighned.
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"Neee young master!" Trebol called out as doflamingo was on his office. Tired of the previous event, after all, being a warlord isn't easy.
"What is it trebol." Doflamingo growled as he rubs his temples, "Neee doffy you won't believe this!" Trebol excitedly said.
"Well? Don't just stand there, tell me." Doflamingo grinned in announce as trebol nodded, "it's about [Name]." Trebol stated as Doflamingo's body relaxed.