98 : Onigishima

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"Where is she?!" A familiar voice yelled across the room sending everyone shivers on their spine, with a loud thud, kaido appeared with a running Yamato and ulti.

"YAMATO! ULTI!!" You screamed in excitement as pay-pay jumped on you hugging you still falling down on the ground.

"Jesus! It's really you! I-" Yamato murmured as a huge pink tint of blush forming on her cheeks and her eyes started tearing up.

"MY TOKI!" Yamato yelled screaming as she shove pay-pay away from you and hugged you, "hey! I wanted to hug her first." Maria pouted.

"You'll eventually hug her.." sasaki murmured, "agreed, now where we're we, ah yes, how the fuck did she came here?!" Queen yelled.

"Logic." You said bluntly, "what the fuck are you doing? throw a goddamn feast for [Name] you stupid  rats!" Kaido yelled as all of his subordinates started running in different direction and having to quickly shove a large table on the center.

"That isn't necessary.." you murmured as you were taken aback from Yamato carrying to you sit down beside her and kaido.

"Nonesense! You've been gone for almost two and a half years! This is necessary." Kaido grinned, "I see, how are you these past few years?" You asked as kaido frowned.

"Well, I did have some new subordinates, call them." Kaido said as king nodded, as king hummed the three came inside the room.

You let out a quiet gasp before looking drake, Hawkins and apoo, drake eyes were in disbelief and felt a bit disappointed with himself letting you seing him with the beast pirates.

"[N-name]..." drake murmured in embarrassment, "drake, I didn't know you joined an alliance between kai-sama.." you hummed as he nodded.

"I was...also surprised as well." He said not looking in your gaze, "well, hello, Hawkins." You put out a smile despite the three men stayed silent.

It was getting awkward and you wanted to keep things in your hand, you wanted to see kid if he's alright or not since, the previous attempt of knowing the future.

"Kid.." you murmured, "what's that?" King asked not hearing what you said, "nothing..could we postpone this feast, I had a really rough day..I just need some rest, it's already...night?" You murmured.

"Isn't it way too early?" Queen murmured, "well it's past my bedtime and I need to get up early in the morning to...to..uhh..." you murmured, you aren't really good at lying as you began to put a pout expression just like luffy.

Drake already knew it since garp always pouts when he's lying, 'just like a monkey D." Drake thought to himself as he let out a quiet chuckle.

"Maybe she's tired from her journey." Yamato grinned, "I suppose you can say that..very well, we don't have any extra rooms, unless it's a torture room or the bunkers you can sleep on kings room." Kaido stated.

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