43 : forgotten

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(SPOILER)!! Incase you are confused about the chaapter this is where some of your lost memories will pick up and just continue reading it after a few chapters you'll eventually understand [Name]'s past.

"Woah! A pretty lady!" Luffy grinneed as he eyed you in your sleep, you instantly backed down and got pushed away when everyone stared at you.

"R-robin what's up with them?" You questioned looking at the angry zoro, lovesick cook and scared chopper.

"It seems like they have forgotten their memories." Robin stated, "eh? How could luffy have forgotten me? I'm with him his whole childhood!" You gasped as lufffy was grinning and looking at you.

"Last thing I know I was in the east blue trying to go to the grandline and become king of the pirates! Oh look meat!!" Luffy yelled looking at chopper.

As chopper hid beside a barrel he angrily huff, "I'm a reindeer not a cow!!" Chopper yelled, "IT TALKED!" usopp and Luffy yelled.

"So what are we?" Zoro asked, "were pirates? And luffy is the captain here, sanji is the cook, nami is the navigator and usopp is the sniper and lastly chopper is the doctor off the ship.." you explained.

"Pirate here pirate there I don't care! There's no way I would be traveling with pirates!!" Nami yelled looking angrily at robin.

"You guys are doing quite a ruckus this early in the morning." Zoro grunted, "you're interrupting my morning nap."

"I'm sorry zoro." You apologized nervously as Robin frowned, "you don't need to say sorry [Name]." Robin stated.

Nami suddenly got into the ship's bike and got away,


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"Navigator.." robin murmured as you came from behind her and hugged her, "she'll be fine she's Nami!" You smiled and she smiled back and turned around to hug you back.

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