[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As you woke up from your slumber, your head began to feel heavy and you were burning up pretty badly.
Luffy and sanji walked into your cabin room and sanji placed a tray of breakfast for you, "[Name] are you sick? You don't look too well?"
"Well I-.." you tried to speak but you couldn't get words out because you felt heavy and your head began to hurt like a nightmare.
"Well what?" Luffy asked curiously, sanji lifted his hand and placed it on your forehead as he immediately got burned.
"You're hotter than a max turned on stove! [Name] y-you're burning!" Sanji yelled as robin and zoro went inside the room.
"What's burning?!" Zoro said facing the other way of your bed, "[Name] aren't you feeling well?" Robin asked as you nodded, "my- we need a doctor! I repeat!! We need!- oh wait I'm a doctor!" Chopper said smiling shyly.
As chopper checks on you Robin couldn't help but to worry, you rarely caught on colds and your temperature is too high to even be a fever.
"Is she going to be alright?" Nami asked worriedly, "chopper is taking care of her, in the meantime let's get supplies from this island.. I heard massive things about jaya and some sort of sky island here.." zoro mumbled.
Nami and zoro along with luffy agreed to gather the supplies along with trying to find jaya, you were left with sanji, robin, chopper and ussop.
"You know, how did you even get this high?" Robin asked as you shrug, "was it from yesterday? Maybe touching the boy had a side effect or worse! It's poison!" Chopper worriedly said as usopp jumped from his seat and bumped onto a wall.
"It's not!" You worriedly yelled as robin sat beside you and dabbed a cloth on your forehead, this made you relaxed and slept on her chest.
"What could've happen to her?" Usopp asked as Robin sighned, "she's really burning up, maybe there's an antidote or medicine that could cure her." Robin mumbled.
"There is!" Chopper grinned, "I've learn about this sickness with doctor Kureha! This sickness is just temporary and she will cool off if she isn't stressed, she was recently stressed by the recent activities she must've been so tired backk then," chopper explained.
"Ah that's wonderful to hear doctor," robin smiled as she place you down, as everyone in the room exited Mihawk presence suddenly surprised you.
"Mhm, sick aren't we? Now what have I told you to just stay put with me." Mihawk scolded as he sat beside you.
"Where did you come from?" You asked a Mihawk only hummed and holds your hand and place his other one on your forehead.
"Do you wish to come with me?" He asked as you hesitantly nodded, Mihawk picked you up and both of you began walking on the island.