[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"DAUGHER?!" Everyone yelled, even garp and sengoku were in utter shock, no one dared move, Mihawk immediately knew his presence and stopped.
"Wait? What?!" You yelled as your eyes widen, "indeed you are, now come along, you don't deserve to live int his timeline." Xebec growled.
"Your mother saved you back and transferred you here, when that specific night you met garp you were dropped from the sky and raised as a Monkey D. Toki, your mothers servant helped her and used her devil fruit to save you. I needed you to be sacrificed so in the future I wouldn't be defeated by Roger and find the one piece itself." Xebec explained.
"What.." you murmured as one of the marine yelled for the red hair pirates and beast pirates, suddenly the marineford's ground shaken and you fell down on your knees.
"I'm not believing you even for one bit!" You yelled as xebec laughed, "you share the same blood as I, how dare you talk back to your father like that." Xebec grinned.
Kaido and red hair shanks made their way in marineford, "I knew this would happen." Shanks murmured looking at xebec, "So it is true!" Kaido gasped, "ah I heard so much about you, red hair shanks."
Everything was a complete mess, Mihawk glared at red hair and the two started attacking xebec, but as xebec holds much power Kaido's only goal is to kill whitebeard, everyone clashed in marineford.
Everything was happening so quickly, xebec's haki effected you and you fell down on the ground, "[NAME]!" Ace yelled as garp and sengoku rush down to help red hair shanks and Mihawk fight xebec.
Although xebec had a strong aura and power he still manages to swing the two sword users crashing them to the ice wall, the impact was so hard they fell down in the ocean and shanks crew immediately dive down to help the two.
As Marco was flying to get you, he was stopped by a strong force of haki and fell down crashing to thatch and izo, vista was holding a few of the marines and the three admirals took the war as an advantage and started attacking the whitebeard pirates.
Ace was free by luffy because no one was even watching him, crocodile and the warlords were trying their best to land a hit on xebec but as expected his power amongst them are much higher.
Akainu face aced and started attacking the fire user, luffy was getting played with the two admirals and boa only helped luffy, smoker took this opportunity to fight off the other whitebeard pirates as the everyone was panicking.
Xebec laughed as he launched the two warlords to the sea, Doflamingo dodged the attacked and went to treat himself.
At the side of his glasses he saw you, lying on the ground, he yelled in frustration and jumped to snatch you but was stop by xebec's hand crashing into him.
His glasses shattered and crocodile and gecko Moria was saved by Jimbei, "he's way too strong for this.." crocodile coughed.
As you slowly gain consciousness you saw as luffy was on the ground, and akainu's fist was pierced through ace's body.
"ACE!" You yelled in Complete shock, your body wasn't responding as you layed there just witnessing luffy crying as marco blocked akainu's second attacked.
You knew. You knew before this was gonna happen but you didn't mind it that time becuase you thought it was all a bad dream, now you regret not stepping up further and tears fell down your cheeks.
Everyone was busy with xebec, on the other hand the Blackbeard pirates was about to make an entry and seeing how Kaido was slowly beating whitebeard.
Blackbeard planned on joining in later once whitebeard was weaken and terms to take his devil fruit.
You on the other hand couldn't do anything, you tried standing up but your body won't cooperate, instead akainu had a smug look as he smirked at you.
Your eyes closed shut when xebec, your father, lifted you up and everyone he's were on you, shanks and Mihawk had slowly gain consciousness and saw you struggling to get out of xebec's grip.
"I should've killed you before you were even sent here." Xebec grinned as he tightly squeezed your body making you scream in pain.
As Kaido swung the last hit on whitebeard he
It only gets worse when he finally stabbed you landing a last blow, everyone eyes had widen looking at you.
You can't believe your father had stab his own daugher, as a single year fell luffy was even more terrified as he knew he was gonna lose you too, Kaido and whitebeard stopped fighting and saw your lifeless body on xebec's hands.
"This wasn't part of the condition!" Kaido yelled "You really thought I would follow you, Pathetic." Xebec laughed as the portal re-opened again and xebec went inside.
Everyone wanted to stop xebec but failed, the war continued when Blackbeard killed whitebeard and gained his devil fruit, law was able to save luffy and Jimbei but failed to seek you.
Of course shanks stopped Kaido before he could do anything much worse, Kaido was losing it and began destroying the area, he was furious, more so that when big mom got the call that xebec was there and you were killed she went ballistic.
Thought so, everyone was devastated and numb, when shanks finally stopped Kaido he wanted to stop The war, sengoku and garp wasn't processing everyone as they were still shocked on how it happened.
Shiki sighned before Turing to toki, "you know saving her will cost your life." Shiki stated as toki only nodded.
"I am forever grateful for [Name]-hime, im willing to sacrifice my soul for her." Toki smiled, "then we better get going, having her dead will corrupt the world and might destroy the pirate era..more over destroying the future." Shiki stated and toki nodded.
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[A/N] Damn this is only one out of ??? Plot twist I ever revealed, cya on the next chapter.
Of course I wouldn't end this chapter without any information regarding and revealing [Name]'s past.
: As you saw, [Name] was born way back before Roger even started, her and her mother was about to be sacrificed becuase xebec wanted to live on and change the future creating destruction and being the strongest pirate.
Xebec knew ho powerful you were, now he's on the hunt to take your power level and terms to defeat anyone who's in his way completely being indestructible.
But luckily Toki and your mother had made you travel way to the future meeting garp at the grand line and you were raised properly.