[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"So what are you doing here?" Sabo asked as he sat down on the ground facing ace's gravestone, "hm, you'll see." You said searching for the revive book inside your endless pit bag.
As you were searching for the revive book, you kept pulling out unnecessary items such as, mihawk's hat, dragon and Doflamingo's coat, boa's earrings and lipstick, crocodiles hook, "I don't even know how did this hook end up here.." you murmured still finding the book.
"Seems like you have a lot of stuff there- how does it even fit inside that small bag?" Sabo asked as he looks at you struggling.
"It's here somewhere.." you murmured pulling out sabo's glasses, "hey so you did have my other goggles!" Sabo grinned as he took it, "I thought I lost it." Sabo whined as he hugs his goggles.
"Ah there it is...okay I forgot how to use this book." You murmured as Sabo looked at you, "is that the revive book you used to revive the former second division commander Thatch?" Sabo asked as you nodded.
"Careful [Name] you might not be informed but the revive book when being use may shorten your lifespan.." Sabo murmured as you thanked him for the new information.
"It's alright sabo." You said re-assuring him, "are you gonna...revive ace?" Sabo asked with a hint of hope in his eyes and you nodded.
Sabo jumped on you and hugged you once more, "oh [Name] I wouldn't imagine a world without you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!" Sabo cried as you patted his back once more.
"And I thought luffy was the crybaby." You chuckled as Sabo pouted, "I'm not a cry baby I'm just happy." Sabo crossed his arms.
As you chuckled and chant the book while touching ace's grave Sabo quickly grabbed a shovel out of your bag, at first he was surprised how a shovel was able to fit inside it but didn't mention it so he began digging down ace's grave as you hear the terrible terror of scream ace was letting out.
As ace was out ace quickly cried as he jumped on to hug you, he was covered in dirt and really really...gross.
"Holy hell! It was terrible dying! I got to see my father!" Ace cried as Sabo facepalmed, "atleast you aren't related to my real father." Sabo murmured.
"And you." Ace eyes darkens as he turns to Sabo and strangled him, "YOU WEREN'T DEAD THIS WHOLE TIME AND I WAS AT PARTIES WITH YOU AND YOU COUDLN'T EVEN SAY "hey ace it's me your brother Sabo." YOU LITTLE-"
"Jesus Christ-" you murmured as you burst out laughing watching the duo, "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU BACK THEN AND I ONLY REMEMBERED WHEN YOU DIED YOU RASCAL!" Sabo yelled defensively.
After a whole lot of talking the two began laughing and hugged each other, "how did you manage you stay alive?" Sabo asked as you whined.
"If I had a berry everytime someone ask me that I'll be richer than the celestial dragons." You murmured as ace laughed.
"What happened to the crew?" Ace asked, "pops died, as you see and the whitebeard pirate disbanded." You sighned as ace only look at the grave.
"Heaven is a lovely place and...I know pops will be there." Ace sighned, "hey he's in a better place now." Sabo gave ace a warm smile as you grabbed your bag.
"Where ya going?" Ace asked, "Gonna find luffy, I'm sure they're already in the new world, plus wanna come?" You asked as ace nodded.
"My body is a bit..tipsy for being dead more than two years." Ace whined, "my bubble popped on my way here." You murmured.
"We can use my boat." Sabo suggested, "let's take a trip back to the base, dragon really needs to see you." Sabo asked as you nodded.
As ace was sleeping, you approached Sabo, "hey." You smiled as he turned to you, "heya." Sabo chimes as he munched on some cookies.
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"And I thought it was just a false rumor." Dragon smirked looking at you, "dragon-San," you grinned, "you used up two of your revive book." Dragon stated looking at ace.
"What do you mean?" You asked, "I thought you know by now, you can only use the revive book three times, that leaves you...only one." Dragon replied.
"I see, you wanted to see me, yes?" You quesitoned as he nodded, "if it's joining you then n-"
"It's about that second division captain's devil fruit, Doflamingo has it and I want Sabo to eat it." Dragon said as ace jolted away hearing it.
"what?!" Both Sabo and ace yelled, "that won't work, knowing Sabo he doesn't want to eat a devil fruit, and ace would completely ignore the idea of Sabo being the Mera Mera user.
"And what do you suggest? The warlord Donquixote Doflamingo has it and will use it to lure your captain to a trap." Dragon murmured.
"Hm, then I just have a plan." You grinned, "you see, Doflamingo might know I'm already alive and won't harm the crew until I'm separated." You explained trialing off.
"Continue." Dragon stated, "and doffy doesn't know ace is alive..I'm suggesting that we'll use Sabo disguise as luffy during the fight at the arena. And I will enter the area as 'Aiko'." You grinned.
"You're gonna disguise yourself as a different person?" Sabo asked, "yeah, so doffy will make a move and target the other strawhat, when ace has the fruit itself we'll escape the arena and help luffy and the others." You smiled.
"Hm, so operation take the fruit and take down Doflamingo!" Ace grinned, "I might say, your plan is a bit different than I thought it would be." Dragon murmured.
"What would you think I would suggested?" You quesitoned, "going straight to Doflamingo and grab the Mera fruit itself and manipulate him." Dragon grinned.
"That's not easy as you think dragon." You huff, "koala and Hack will come along, and I will warn you, the toys scattered across the island are people who's in control by Doflamingo's subordinate, sugar, I suggest you don't come closer to her."
"And I'll steal her fruit temporarily." You grinned, "wait how is that possible?" Ace and Sabo asked, "so that's your devil fruit." Dragon hummed, "I'm amazed." Dragon only chuckled before you and mind started planning on the mission.
"This will be a langgg planning.." you murmured.
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