[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As you woke up, the sudden feeling of your body aches and you groaned loudly, your body was still in pain after the stab.
You felt your head pound as you tried moving, "mhm, try not to move much," shiki stated as your eyes widened, what happened, you questioned yourself trying to speak.
Shiki let out a sigh before touching the bed and the bed started floating, I see you're awake, although I don't recommend you to speak, the sudden change might— affect you." He explained with tears in his eyes.
Shiki had toki for quite a long time after she died protecting wano, he was fond of her and seeing her ready to give you her life was so sudden.
Toki was ready to give you her life, shiki was amazed how toki wasn't scared or having second thoughts about giving it to you.
Her last words made shiki's spine crawl, "I would love to live longer, to let her see me again but... I couldn't let her father kill her, she doesn't deserve it."
With the memories bought up he narrowed his eyes, but he doesn't blame you, toki loves you, she admires you, in fact. She respects you more than your mother.
Toki was living under rock's influence after her death, you're mother was the one who gave her a second life restarting again.
"Toki." Shiki mentioned, "was the one who gave her life away for you." He stated, you stared in shock, the girl that was with you the day before the war was the one who sacrificed her life for you.
"Toki.." you managed to murmured as shiki helped you get up, "when your father...took you in, he threw you in the ocean and chaos started.." shiki murmured.
"Although we were lucky that we got there in time before you even sank deeper, she wanted to give you this." Shiki reached out for his top shelf as he gave you a seashell pendant bracelet.
"Tht resembles her, she wanted to give this to you becuase she said you were outgoing, a little crazy and it would help with your fragile body, in short, she gave that to you so your body wouldn't be fragile anymore." Shiki mumbled on the last part,
"Plus what's with you being fragile? Is it like a curse or something?" Shiki asked as you shrugged a bit not knowing why your body was like that.
"Anyways you've been unconscious for a year now and yeah, you probably should shower." Shiki chuckled, "what's your name?" You asked, "call me shiki my dear, you're gonna make a grand entrance next year to meet your captain at saboady." He smirked.
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(A Year Later) Everyday, shiki would train you, your fishman ksrate has improve and you learned such new things, you and shiki found out that you have the ability to Steal Devilfruits.
This ability allows the user to steal the opponents devil fruit for quiet a while, apparently when stealing the fruit and it's ability it has a time limit where you can use the devil fruit itself.
The more longer you can hold the devil fruit the more stamina it needs. A very powerful fruit to be exact and that's why xebec wanted to kill you to gain your devil fruit.
Although the devil fruit is useless to haki users, shiki trained you to advance your haki, everyday is exhausting, good thing the pendant kept your fragile body stable and you were able to blocked the attack without some serious injury.
"Shiki-Sama! I can't do it." You whined as you flop down on the ground feeling defeated, "you're enemies won't give mercy on you, now go on and stand up." Shiki said as he made three swords float and started darting on your direction.
You quickly dodge them but it seems useless so you jumped and targeted shiki, shiki found it amusing you use your common sense and dodge it before he landed a firm impact on your body that sended you flying towards a wall.
"Impressive thinking." Shiki commented as you groaned, "dang I almost had you." You mumbled, "you don't need to work on your advance observation haki, you need great speed and durability." Shiki stated as you only nodded before standing up.
You never taken off the pendant becuase it keeps your body to be anti-fragile, as you furnished a long bath, you put on a pair of pants and a button up sleeves, and a pair of black boots.
As you finished drying your hair and went to dry your towel when you realized five swords were aiming at you.
The room we small and shiki wasn't in sight, you manage to stop three swords with the other two almost hitting you but darted the wall.
Your eyes narrowed as you scan the area, a small smirk formed on your lips as you stomped on the wooden floor breaking it and revealing Shiki underground and attacking him.
You landed a strong hit on shiki's stomach making him unable to move, "hm, I guess you could say my rational thinking improved." You grinned as shiki only grunted in pain.
"Should I try my devil fruit?" You asked as you touched shiki and he floated, both of you were shocked, but most importantly you were happy, you manage to steal his devil fruit but only for an hour.
After making everything float, shiki only mumbled before turning to you, "okay, okay my devil fruit is fun now give it back [Name]." Shiki stated.
"I don't know how." You grumbled as both of you looked at each other, "YOU WHA-" you cut him off by snickering and making him float.
"I'm kidding, it might wear off and give your powers back in a minute since you stated I can only have the devil fruit temporarily.
After a brief period of time of annoying your teacher, you made a decision to stick to one on one combat instead of using swords. Sorry Mihawk.
As you entered the living room you saw shiki with your bag and revive book along with some navigating stuffs and your TimeWatch
"You had it all this time!" You grinned as he nodded, "not exactly, toki said I should give it to you when the time comes and I think this will be goodbye." Shiki smiled as tears started forming and roll down your cheeks and you immediately hugged him.
"Thank you for training me and saving me! Shiki-Sama I love you! And have the greatest respect to you, I promise I will never forget you." You said as he wipe the tears on your face.
"Stop crying, you still owe me five berries." Shiki mumbled as you laughed, "that was months ago when you went shopping for groceries!"
And with that? He gave you the revive book but the revive book is more advance and it has a lock where only you can use it.
"Thank you." You smiled as you put on the watch, "don't break a bone [Name]." Shiki laughed and you set sail to saboady.
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