[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"Luffy!" You yelled dodging flampe's kick and giving her a few punch that sended her flying towards her siblings.
"The pendant!" You yelled as luffy distracted Katakuri and landed a firm blow on each other.
As Katakuri stood up, he was dizzy and tired from the fight, it has been a whole hour, you have been sitting on top of flampe.
"How dare you! The disrespect! I will kill you [Name]!!" Flampe yelled as luffy stood up and glared at Katakuri.
'Curve your name inside their minds'
A voice calls out as your eyes widens, 'it's the same voice that told you, ace was in trouble.' You thought to yourself as you arched in pain.
There's been many cases where you had heard this voice that was suddenly giving you advices, at first you'll feel a strange aura surrounds you and eventually black out.
As your vision began to blurry and saw Katakuri falling back, luffy's eyes were focused on you and ran to you with his injured body.
"[Name]!" Luffy yelled as everything went dark.
. . .
"Where am I?" You said looking around, it was dark, "inside your mind." A voice called out, "where are you?" You asked looking around but it was too dark.
"Oh how exciting this is, I finally got to catch up with you my little puppet."
"Puppet? I'm not a puppet, doffy is that you?" You yelled, "I'm simply more powerful than that wannabe joyboy of a warlord himself." The voice scoffed.
"At least you have a sense of humor." You joked earning a loud echoed laugh from the voice, "at least you have humor, not like your father xebec." The voice said.
"Funny, I don't remember having a father, my only father figure is Garp and Sengoku." You replied, "ahh I see, father figures hm? Well too bad..Your bloodline is the same as xebec, which means you carry his thoughts of wanting to take over, like when you said you wanted to 'Break' men. Aren't I right?"
"W-well no, I'll never be someone like him." You said mumbling, "and you're just like your mother as well, let me tell you a secret."
"You wouldn't make it. You'll be dead before you know it. No more toki saving you, or even shiki." The voice laughs as you were slowly waking up.
"Wait! What do you mean? And what is the prophecy?" You yelled wanting an answer but nothing.
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"GAH- wait ace?" You sat up looking at ace that was sleeping on your lap, "he was there for approximately two hours after luffy defeated Katakuri." Nami explained.