29 : Encountered Again

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"Well I'm going now.." you said as the two captain frowned, "are you sure you wanna keep that barrel and not take my ship's small boat? It would be a whole lot easier if you did." Drake said as you shook your head and reached onto his height to attempt to kiss him on the cheeks.

He chuckled before leaning down a bit as you peck his cheek, "oi! Where's mine!" Eustass growled as drake grinned and gently pat you on your head.

"It's the first time seeing Capatin ever so jealous." Wire pointed out as kid snapped, "Shut the fuck up im not jealous!" Kidd growled as you giggled and reached onto his ear to pull him closer to you. "OW- WATCH I-" he was cut up by you giving a sweet kiss on the cheeks, "goodbye grumpy." You giggled as his pale skin began to turn into a shade of pink.

"Your lucky I like you." He growled before crossing his arms, "I swear if that Trafalgar touches you I will personally end him." Eustass hissed before you playfully skipped away and drifted with your barrel.


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As you woke up from your nap you instantly sat up as you looked around, you were in a room, not just any room but a familiar room, "this room is familiar.." you murmured as a man with gorgeous golden long hair came inside the room.

"Ah, I see you are awake." Hawkins. Yes Hawkins stated, Basil Hawkins, the one you fought a week ago when you were gonna save thatch.

"Hawkins?!?" You yelled as you threw a pillow on him which he easily catched, "are perhaps not a fan of the soft pillows I have? Or do you prefer sleeping on my body, I am made of straw if I do say so myself." He said as you facepalmed him.

"Are you nuts?! Where's my barrel I'm going out! Don't ever open up my barrel without my permission!" You yelled as he nodded, "I see, although I thought you were helpless and needed help because no one would ever use a barrel as their very own boat." He stated as you groan your head in pain.

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