[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As a huge storm was in, you were inside the cabin's ship while the others (except usopp) were protecting the ship. "You know, a worrying face doesn't suit you." Usopp joked which you let out a nervous chuckled.
"It's not that, I'm just surprised I'm finally going in the granline with luffy.." you smiled as you and Usopp opened the door leading you outside the ship were heavy rain were dropping and huge waves were approaching.
"Everything alright?" Usopp asked as nami narrowed her eyes on the fellow, "do you think everything is alright." Nami said getting her compas as she starred into a straight line.
Zoro came by and helped you not fall onto the railing which sends sanji a tiny jealousy on how zoro holds you, "damn morimo." Sanji mumbled as he pulled a rope.
"[Name]! Come here shihihihihi!" Luffy grinned as he wraps his arms around your waist, "we're heading to the grandline!!!" He shouted happily as you smiled with him, "[Name]." Luffy turned to you with s small smile.
"Hm?" "Thank you, for being here with me and for keeping your promise." Luffy smiled as he kissed your cheeks for the very first time.
"Luf-.." you stayed quiet and just smiled at him as your hand moves and hugs him.
"Oi! Everyone!" Luffy yelled as everyone carefully walked towards you and luffy, there was a barrel in the middle as you all circled around it.
"What's this?" You murmured, "you'll see." Usopp grinned.
"Shall we held a ceremony for setting sail on the greatest ocean?" Sanji questioned as everyone nodded in agreement.
"In order to find the all blue." Sanji puts his foot on top of the barrel as luffy did the same.
"To become king of the pirates!" – Luffy
"To become the strongest swordsman." — Zoro
"To draw the world map!" – Nami
"I-I-in order to become the strongest worrior of the s-sea!" Usopp stuttered, as everyone looked at you you hesitated on what your gonna say.
"To Protect everyone I love." You smiled as you place your foot down the barrel and you all crushed it.
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