56 : Donquixote Pirates

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Now arriving at saboady archipelago you were sent to the option house were slaves were sold and bidded.

baby 5 carried you inside you saw the warlord itself, Donquixote Doflamingo sitting on one of the chairs.

"Ahh why isn't it [Name], so nice to finally meet you, have you been having fun?" Doflamingo asked as you crossed your arms.

You swear you will give this man a piece of your mind for kidnapping you AGAIN.

"Doffy I already told you to not kidnap me." You yelled, "fufufu~ I thought you like surprises~ not to mention, I have another surprise for you." He grinned.

"What is it?" You asked as he hummed, "well we have a dinner reservation tonight at dressrosa, then we can go to fishman island because I know you'll love the surprise there, now let's move along to dressrosa my dear I'm sure the family is going to be very pleased to see you there." Doflamingo smirked.

You nodded and you along with Doflamingo, baby 5, buffalo and dellinger walked towards the dock to enter the new world.

"Is that..? CEASAR!!!" You ran towards the scientist as you gave him a big hug on the back, "shurororo! [Name]." He greeted earning a smile from you.

"How long was it since I've seen you! I've missed you!" You cheered as Doflamingo scoffed, "I told you she has her favorites in the family." Dellinger laughed as baby 5 and sugar pouted.

Not a moment wasted ceasar immediately let go of you and blushed in embarrassment, "s-sorry joker!" Caesar yelp out and you giggled.

It was a been a while since you and Caesar hang out, since the trip to the new world would take time you and Caesar roam around the ship.

Plus doffy had organized a pretty spa inside his ship so you and Caesar was up for a treat.

As you changed into your robe, Caesar did the same and you and him grinned when you saw the inside spa on the ship.

"This is a dream." Caesar smirked as he held his hair onto a bun and braided yours, you both began to sit on the hot tub and place on some face mask of [F/C] with kiwi's on your eyes.

Now relaxing you pretty much enjoyed your girl side with Caesar, he isn't gay or anything he just likes being clean and having someone to do stuffs like this without being judged.

On the other side of the room was doffy getting a massage from two of the maids, hr was naked and a towel was wrapped in his waist. he eyed you and Caesar just to make sure Caesar wasn't hitting up on you.

"Dolly." Doflamingo called out as you let out a hum and ate the kiwi you used, "what is it?" You questioned, "I heard you had a splendid time with your crew, how did it go?" Doffy quesitoned as you reached the mango shake on the table.

"Well there's my captain luffy, and zoro-" "who's this zoro? And what's his role to your crew." Doffy asked as he grinned,

"Well he protect, he attack and most importantly, he can't find his way back." You joked as Caesar chuckled, "hm he's bad at directions I assume fufufu." Doflamingo chuckled.

"Ah and there's ussop, sanji, chopper, Robin and nami and also Franky!" You smiled as you took another sip.

"Hm it seems like you're having fun, would you care to stay a bit longer? Well it's not like you have a choice fufufu." Doflamingo grinned.

"Crocodile.." you murmured as doffy frowned, "what about him?" He quesitoned as you fell down on your knees.


"Ah [Name]." Crocodile called out as you were in a strange office, there was buggy and Mihawk, buggy was beaten up pretty badly as you were in front of them.

"Where am I and what is this?.." you quesitoned looking around, it was dark and warm, there are other crews inside like Mr. 3 and some weird swordmans.

"About strawhat making into wano, I wanna clarify that we are gonna use her to capture him and kill him." Crocodile stated as Mihawk nodded.

"I'll handle roronoa zoro, it's been a while since I have fought with my student." Mihawk stated

"[Name]." Crocodile called you as you stared at him and immediately jumped to hug him, you missed him, you hated the fact he was imprisoned.

"Very well, now I am still upset that the marines mistaken you as the main man in this organization buggy." Crocodile growled.

"It's my first time seeing a Yonko cry for help." Mihawk said looking at buggy, "organization?" You murmured as your head began to hurt badly.


[N-name]-c-chan!" Caesar help out as you suddenly got your vision back, you were hugging him, not crocodile, Doflamingo was grinning irritatedly and wanting to finish off Caesar.

"What happened?" You quesitoned as Caesar and doffy looked at you weirdly, "hm? You fell down on your knees and I asked Caesar to help you." Doffy explained.

What could have been that vision? Was it advance observation haki? You were told by katakuri that of you manage to sense the future it is called advance observation haki.

But in angel island, enel told you it was called Mantra you were confused did you saw a glimpse of the future. What did crocodile want from luffy and why did Mihawk called zoro his 'Student'

Words weren't on your side as Doflamingo hummed waiting a respond from you. "I need something to clear my mind off.." you murmured exiting the spa area.

Now on the halls of the ship you manage to bump into baby 5 and dellinger, "ah [Name]-chan are you alright?" Baby5 asked in a worried tone.

"Sort of, never mind.." you murmured once more before running away.

The vision felt so real and your head began to hurt even more, "why is luffy in wano? And what is this organization crocodile is talking about." You flop down in doffy's bed feeling exhausted.


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