[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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I woke up and saw I was the nursing room, Ace was standing there in the corner, I bet he's crying right now. Marco on the other hand was asleep on the chair, I slightly move and ace turned around and quickly hugged me, "[Name]! I-I- thought I've lost you! Don't do that again!" Ace cried out as I flinched due to the sudden touch.
"Oh your awake yoi..about thatch." My heart stopped and I was constantly breathing heavily as I remember the past events last night.
No this can't be happening, out of all the people why thatch? I can't do this "p-please tell me h-he's alive.." I whimpered as tears started rolling down my cheeks.
Ace held me tightly and he cried out, "I-I'm sorry I couldn't protect him..I was gonna go after teach I s-swear I'm gonna avenge thatch and you! B-but pops said I should stay here becuase you had a 50-50 chance of survival and your vivre card has been burning..the den den mushi's on your bag kept ringing and it's from the navy..warlords and even the yonkos aswell..shanks visited you earlier but let becuase he needed to take care of something.." Ace let out.
"It isn't your fault Ace.." I smiled at him as I sat up, "I'm gonna go somewhere but I'll be back.." I murmured, "Where are you exactly going? I need to inform pops your awake yoi." Marco said as he dashed out of the room.
"Yeah, where are you— your not thinking what I'm thinking are you?" Ace said as he narrowed his eyebrows at me.
"I'm gonna pay Dr.Vegapunk a visit..and uhh, don't you worry." I gave him a re-assuring smile as I started packing some stuffs I need.
"No, no, no, no the hell not! Your not gonna sell your body for him to help you!" Ace pouted as I burst out laughing. "I'm not gonna you stupid! I'm pure and decent!" I lightly smack ace on the shoulders.
"Okay okay, I'm gonna head out and search for teach tonight." Ace smirked as he pulled me closer to him and kiss my cheeks. "And I'm gonna avenge my future wife~" he cooed as I push him aside.
"Dream on ace'y boy. Luffy is kinda cute." I teased as ace gasp and tackled me on the ground pinning me down in the process.
"Oi! Your not planning on marrying him aren't you?! I gotta win ya over." Ace smirked as I laughed, "I mean I don't actually have a type right now but if thatch is here I'm sure he'll kick your butt if you continue pinning me down—"
"[Name]- oh geez I'm s-sorry!" Izo quickly shut the door as he saw me and ace. "N-no! You got it all wrong!" I push ace aside and as I was gonna run to the door with my bag pops came in and lightly push me to the ground.
"Ouch— oh pops! Hi!" I chimed up as pops looked at ace, ace nervously chuckled as he scratch his head, "heya pops."
"Lass you better not do anything sinister to my daughter." Whitebeard cocked an eyebrow as he stood by the door because he couldn't fit inside the room.