[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"Ace! Get back here!" You yelled as ace was carrying luffy's poised body, "he's dying! Oh my lord! Gate heavens please save my baby brother!" Ace yelled as you facepalmed axe's stupidity.
"Begging for the gods doesn't work that way he's poisend." You yelled as you grabbed sanji's cook book, "what type of fish is he—" you murmured flipping the pages.
"I was out for a minute then this happens." You grumbled punching the bidge of your nose, as you were busy finding an antidote you felt a familiar presendce and you all turned to see a green looking guy on some weird ship castle.
"Yonji?" You questioned, "oh look its sanji!" Chopper yelled as yonji looked at you and immediately formed heart shape eyes.
"I c-can't believe it, [NAME]-CHANN YOU'RE HERE AND STILL HOT AS EVER!" Yonji yelled, "wait yonji!"Nami asked.
"He's not sanji chopper." You explained, "is reiju there with you?" You asked as yonji continuesly nodded and wiggled himself on the ship.
Reiju came and gasped when she saw you, "could you help us with luffy? He got poisoned by a god damn fish." You murmured as ace was still crying in the ground talking about how he doesn't wanna lose his brother.
"Ah anything for you [Name]-hime." Reiju smiled as she flew towards luffy and the crew only look closely upon looking at reiju.
"This guy is lucky, I like poison." Reiju licked her lips as she pulled luffy into a kiss absorbing the poison inside him and injecting it in her body.
The crew gasped as ace was even dumbfounded on the scene, "s-s-she kissed l-luf-luffy.." ace stutter as you smiled.
"Ah that was delicious." Reiju smiled as you nodded, "thank you again reiju." You smiled, "Hey [Name] have I tell you you're hot." Yonji smirked.
"You're being sexist again." Reiju murmured looking at yonji flirting with you. "Oh and [Name]." Reiju called out as she approach you and suddenly kissed you.
This made your body tremble as your vision begun to blur out and everything turned black.
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