17 : Tea Party

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"Garp Sengoku your granddaughter is at it again attacking the soldiers." Akainu spitted out as he eyed you dodging and kicking some marines.

"Akainu she is my only granddaughter!" Garp stated as Sengoku leaned closer to the balcony and examine your fighting skills, you were dodging them with an ease and easily breaking their bones.

"Arara she's even hot when she's fighting." Aokiji pointed out as kizaru only nodded.

Suddenly drake came and I immediately jumped on top of him making him groan in pain, "is this your new habit-? Jumping on people?" Drake chuckled as he pinched your cheeks, smoker scoffs as officer tashigi only giggled.

"I've missed you!—" I was cut off by Akainu grabbing my collar and throwing me into the sea. "GRAMPS!" Cried out as I yelled.

Akainu scoffs and smirked as he saw your struggling figure in the water, "arara Akainu is at it again.." Aokiji murmured as Garp and sengoku dashed outside to help you get out.

"Sakazuki I will kill you for throwing my daugher!" Garp yelled out as he swim towards your drowning figure.

As Garp and I got out of the water I immediately cough out waters and glared at the magma man, "saka-Chan!" My eyes lit up as I hugged the man.

"Oh— did she forget that Akainu just tried to kill her?" Kizaru commented as smoker and drake was glaring at the man that was being hugged by Akainu.

"That's just [Name] she easily forgives anyone and is oddly friendly." Sengoku commented as tashigi only giggled at your cute state.

"That's the problem, all she thinks about is all innocent happy rainbows.." Kizaru commented as Garp took off his shirt and coat.


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"Where is [Name]?" Garp and sengoku asked out and the marine pointed on the crowds of marine near the training pool. As they got closer they saw [Name] only weairng a piece of swimwear.

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