[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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Your heart nearly dropped as you were with a very un-familiar room, you were inside a boat and inside was big, massive to be exact.
Looking around you manage to spot a big bed with a few big furniture, you thought you have shrunken and whined.
Having a bad feeling, you began walking around the room and eventually finding yourself infront of a big door.
Are you even in a ship because the door was massive, it's big enough for Kaido to fit in, now exiting the room a woman yelled as you were stunned looking at the younger Bigmom.
"Linlin-hime!" You cheered as a younger Kaido and whitebeard came, "the hell you're screaming for!" Kaido yelled blaming bigmom for the ruckus.
"Who the hell are you." Kaido turned to you as he yelled, Jesus one more yelling of him will end your eardrums.
"Hm, and who are you lass?" Newgate asked as you sheepishly smiled and yelled inside your mind cursing at kid for giving the time watch a malfunction.
Dang your pops hap long gorgeous blonde hair back then and you didn't even knew, bigmom has also a wonderful body and as for Kaido you felt bad for the glow down he had in his prime days.
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"My name is..Mon- I mean! Kizume D. [Name]!" You nervously chuckled, if this is the past the future might change due to how these pirates will know you.
If they find out you were somehow relayed to the Monkey D's you will be killed and the timeline of the future might change.
"And what are you doing inside our ship you brat." Linlin narrowed her at you as you cleared your throat.
"Nothing, I'm just a list innocent girl.. and I manage to get lost for ever some reason." You pouted, "HA! Who would believe in such lying-" linlin was cut of by Kaido grinning at you.
"Ah why didn't you say so! A Beautiful young ladylike you shouldn't be inside a very dangerous pirate ship." Kaido smirked as he lift you up.
You place your hand behind you and smiled at him, "ah, is that so? What pirate crew are you? I'm eager to hear! Since you've mentioned that this crew is strong." You quesitoned.
Kaido's pride joy was filled of you pretending to be interested on hearing him, "you shitty beast is gonna believe she is just a normal village girl?!?" Linlin yelled.
"Hey, she looks small and not harmful." Whitebeard commented giving you a pat and adoring you right away, "besides! We could keep her around for company." Kaido grinned.
"We're the rocks pirate, the most dangerous pirate crew there ever is." Kaido proudly said, "ah [Name] tell us more about yourself." Whitebeard smiled as he questioned you.
"Ah...well I don't remember anything besides waking up inside a room." You pouted earning the attention from the two pirates once again.
Bigmom wasn't a fan of their adoration towards you and she hated the way they instantly gave you attention.
"What's going on here?" Bakkin yelled as bigmom scoffed, "we found a weird looking toots right here." Bigmom pointed her finger at you as you smiled widely not knowing the female blonde.
"Ah meet bakkin." Kaido announced as you nodded, "she looks like a doll." Bakkin grinned as you smiled at her.
You were told that you were on board with the rock pirates featuring Rock D. Xebec as their captain.
"Hm and who's this." Xebec turned to you making you flinch from the sudden strong aura around him, "you're quiet...strong." He grin looking at you.
He was freakishly tall and he was intimidating than Kaido himself, you felt how strong your haki and compared to the other yonko's that's board in the ship.
"H-huh I..mean, I do come from a strong family." You nervously smiled, "indeed you are..[Name]." The way he said your name made you felt scared.
You know for a fact that you shouldn't mess with him, Shiki made his way to you as he held up a suspicious look.
"Hm..are you sure you got lost on your way here." Shiki murmured as you instantly nodded, "don't scare her you underdog." Whitebeard grumbled as he held you protectively.
"Now, now don't get a hold of yourselves by the girl, she isn't the type to get lost nor messed with." Xebec stated as everyone turned to you.
"What exactly are you doing here. Monkey D. [Name]." Xebec laughed as everyone turned their attention to you.
"A monkey D eh? Mama mama! We got ourselves garp's daugher!" Bigmom proudly announce as she snatched you from Kaido.
Whitebeard and Kaido looked at linlin, narrowing their eyes at her as shiki laughed at you, "and you thought you could fool us. You think going back in time and stopping us would do anything HA!" Shiki laughed as you gasped.
"No! You got it all wrong I-" you were cut off by bakkin, "silence! Our captain is the smartest and strongest pirate of all blue, you can't out win us." Bakkin smirked.
"No he isn't..." you whispered feeling the urge to break free from bigmom's hands, firstly how did they even know you were from a different timeline.
"Roger is stronger than you." You gasped when you said it out loud, Kaido and bigmom along with shiki laughed.
"You think that stunk is better than all of us? You're delusional! HA!" Bakkin laughed as you were now held captive by the rock pirates.
You really need to go back, before that summit war, and save everyone.
On the other hand Kaido and whitebeard stood quiet, observing you, wanting to help you, they felt a genuine connection that you withstand.
They couldn't help but to wonder, who are you, and why do they feel a certain connection like they know you, what are you to them? And what does the crew mean by 'from the future'.
You were messing their mind as they locked you up inside a cell, it was big enough for a dozen people since the cell was the size of Kaido himself.
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