[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"Sanji!!" You screamed in excitement as you hugged the curly brow boy, Drake seemed a bit relax, maybe a bit since you knew the ramen boy.
"[Name]-chuwann I'm glad you made it to wano! Oh to have you here is such a blessing." Sanji swoon over you as he giggled and twirl in excitement with a ramen bowl in his hand.
"Ah thank you sanji." You smiled as you and drake sat down, "so where's luffy." You asked grabbing the chopsticks from the table.
Sanji froze and nervously chuckled, "don't tell me you guys didn't see him, I clearly asked you and the crew to take care of him while I'm gone." You gave him a close eye smile.
"O-oh he-he's with na-Nami-chwannn." Sanji stuttered, "oh really? That's good." You smiled as you munch on some rice crackers.
As Drake scoffed as an eary voice echoed in your mind, you covered your ears as you let out a whimper, "what's wrong?" Sanji asked.
"She's been like that ever since she came here to wano.." drake murmured, "wait what? Is there something I could do?" Sanji asked.
"Lights. Try closing the lights." Drake stated covering you with his cape as sanji nodded, in the darkness you could tell someone is watching.
'Miss me?' The voice laughs.
Sanji and drake wasn't found, "don't listen to him." Another voice echoed.
"Who are you?" You asked not wanting to look at him.
'Someone, important.'
'Listen close, follow my instructions.'
'There's no time for introductions.'
'The raise of joyboy will begun, you will be locked up with my chambers and be held close captive by me.' He laughed.
"No! I will not be locked up again!" You yelled back,
"[Name]." Sanji smoothing voice called you out, as his arms wrapped around your waist giving you a comfortable hug, you could feel his soft hands gently tapping you.
"Sanji." You called out hugging him, as drake cleared his throat sanji glared at him and sat you back down, "what is it?" Sanji asked.