33: Birthday Party (pt. 1)

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As you were sleeping peacefully a gentle knock had woken you from your slumber as a hand was pressed against your chest area, you immediately jolted up to see a smug look on the red hair himself, Akagami no shanks.

"Red hair I told you that you can't touch her like that." Mihawk growled as you burst out laughing on the vampire costume Mihawk wearing, shanks was also wearing a vampire costume.

Shanks slowly leaned forward and kissed you straight up in the lips, the kiss was slowly beginning to heaten up as Mihawk went behind you and started placing soft kisses on your neck.

Shanks slowly backs away as he rubs the back of his neck and chuckled, "happy birthday [N/N]. C'mon we gotta get everyone ready!" Shanks grinned as the door opened revealing the crew.

Yasopp was wearing some sort of puppet outfit as Benn was a wolf and roux was a chunk of meat itself. "Hey there sleeping beauty." Benn smirked as the window was overshadowed by the humandrills blocking it.

You stood up and skipped to open your window which Mihawk growled on your attempt to let them in, "no." Was the only thing Mihawk said but shanks place an arm on Mihawk shoulder.

"Ohhh c'mon hawk face ya know babe likes the Monkeys." Shanks grinned, Mihawk elbowed the poor red hair as he mumbled something as you let the humandrills inside your room.

"They are humandrills not monkeys." Mihawk growled as he crossed his arm, shanks puts on his fake fangs as he went behind you and hugged your waist biting your neck in the process.

"Stop it." You mumbled pulling him away as the red hair grinned, "I want to suck your blood blah blah blah." Shanks joked.

"That's not how vampires speak." Mihawk pinched the bidge of his nose as shanks grinned, "So you are a vampire! I knew it HA!" "No! I am not!" Mihawk growled at the red hair as shanks continues to annoy him.

Benn took your hand as you and the crew began to get the food ready and you already knew that luffy will for sure try to come for you.


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