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"Lee Minho, what are you waiting for?"

The brunette asked me as soon as she entered the room as if it were hers.

She looked at her watch and said something like "You should have been gone two minutes ago."

"You are completely irresponsible."

"I know, I know," I mumbled.

"The world won't end if I'm a few minutes late, right?"

"I'm disappointed in your lack of punctuality." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't remember asking you... Ouch!"

I looked at the brunette who hit me hard on the shoulder.

"That hurts! Why do you have so much strength?" I complained.

"The real question is: why are you too weak?"

She asked with a hint of mockery.

I flashed both middle fingers at her in response and ran out of the room before she lunged at me.

That girl is incredibly strong, pretty and intelligent, she has everything, however, she is not self-centered and that makes her look much more attractive because it is easy to approach her when you really want to have a true friendship.

Ten minutes later, I got off the bus and went to my part-time job, lately I have had to work too much because my family abandoned me and I was left alone, so all the expenses of the department were on me, but when I found that girl, we decided to share apartment and expenses. Unfortunately, I had to abandon my studies because I did not have enough money to support that great luxury that I loved so much.

"Daydreaming again, my dear fool?"

I dragged my gaze towards my co-worker and friend, I can't deny that he is highly attractive and has no filter.

I was about to respond with an offense, when suddenly our boss appeared and said: "I have great news for you!"

"If it's about your hamster and her pregnancy, you have said it a hundred and seventy-two times this week and I don't want to hear it again," He complained.

"I didn't know you kept track," my boss sneered.

"It's not about that, it's something much better. Can you believe that an important manager contacted me over the weekend to hire my cafeteria? It is wonderful! Do not believe it?"

The man gave tender little jumps around us and I automatically smiled because his joy has completely dazzled me.

"Of course it is," I agreed.

"No, it's not," my partner sighed, "actors are usually disgusting because they think the world is at their feet and they don't even clean the table they've used." He complained.

"Really?" I turned to him.

"I have never had the misfortune or pleasure of meeting a famous man or woman, how is it that you do?"

"Oh, well..."

He paused briefly and then added:
"I guess they're all like that."

Baekhyun, my boss, turned to my partner and said, "I hope you don't have that ass face when those famous people come over, otherwise you'll have to work overtime!" He warned.

"When will they come?" Key asked.

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