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Despite not knowing exactly where I've been sent by Lay, I plucked up my courage and came directly to the location that had been sent to me by Wang since I left the company.

Honestly, I feel very nervous because it is because I have not received information in advance about the plot of the series that I will record and I do not even know who the other actors are.

A nice girl led me to the living room where I will meet the rest of the team; I entered the room and bowed to greet the rest of those present, a black-haired girl quickly approached me.

"I love your talent!" she shrieked.

"You must introduce yourself first." a boy told her.

"You're right." she smiled sheepishly.

"I'm Minnie" she introduced herself.

I had heard that this girl is an excellent actress, so I guess she will be my partner in the series.

"It's a pleasure," I smiled back at her.

"I'm Lee Minho."

"We all know your name" the boy spoke "We love the way you act!"

"Thank you, so kind."

"I'm Jake," he introduced himself.

"I'm a singer and, this is my first time trying in the world of acting."

"That's wonderful, by the way, just us?"


The producer yelled to get our attention.

"I am pleased to have you here because in this way it is easier to get to know each other in order to sympathize with your respective roles that you will have to develop in order to make them credible."

Suddenly, the door was opened and an attractive boy entered who completely dominated the room.

Nobody dared to meet his deep and indifferent gaze that makes it very clear to you that he is not interested in anything other than his own life.

His poise of elegance, selfishness and perfection make him look much more attractive than he already is thanks to his unique physique that leaves you speechless because he looks like a porcelain doll.

We must not leave aside the incredible outfit that she is wearing, because it seems that a model of a world-renowned brand has escaped and has come to show everyone present that this is how the outfit should look on the person who wears it has acquired, practically, he is making fun of everyone because not everyone has such a wonderful outfit.

The producer was completely silent to be able to visually taste, like the rest of us, the boy who has entered with a blank expression;

After a few minutes, the boy reluctantly said "Sorry I'm late."

"It's alight" said a little man who came out behind him.

"We're sorry for the delay, the boy has had a lot of work this morning."

"No problem" the producer spoke.

"We were about to start the workshop."

"Great," said the little man, then he turned to the blonde head and said a few things in a low voice, the boy reluctantly nodded and took a seat in one of the farthest armchairs in the room.

"I'd like you to talk to each other, you know, to get to know each other and later, we'll rehearse some of the scenes that could cost us the most work,"

Said the producer after the little man left the room.

"Let us begin!"

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