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"Cut, cut! What the hell was that?" the producer yelled in frustration.

"Don't get mad" a girl spoke after perching next to the man.

"Both are rookies, that is why, we will have one or another difficulty..."

Hwang and I look at the producer and try to figure out what we've done wrong since we don't have the slightest idea what mistake we made.

Apparently, he is also new and that makes me feel much better since we both have the same level of knowledge at the moment;

I wouldn't feel comfortable with a person who had much more experience on this subject because, he might see me like a complete fool.

"I understand that they are newbies, but why the hell do they make a face of complete disgust and discomfort when they should be in love!" complained the producer.

"They are actors, they should hide their true emotions or feelings to make room for fictional ones, why is it so difficult for them to understand?"

He sighed heavily.

I really did not know that I had made a face of complete disgust and discomfort, I looked at Minnie and she laughed because apparently, the expression of both has been too obvious.

"Hwang, you must be serious, because that's your role, but you shouldn't make a disgusted face because you're in love with him, they're not in a duel to the death; while you, Lee, should be more... how do I explain it?"

"Tender?" Minnie asked.

"Right. Minho, you must be more tender, put aside that blank expression that the only thing that provokes me is to get away from you because I feel that you are upset."

"It's hard..." I mumbled.

"It's fantasy!" He complained.

"They are actors, this is not real life and they must adapt to their roles because I do not plan to let them sink this incredible BL love story into shit just because they do not know how to adapt."

Clearly, the producer has a point: we are actors and we must know how to adapt to any story.

However, I don't feel completely comfortable because that blond-haired boy makes me feel small and stupid as soon as his eyes meet mine.

"Let's start again with the scene" Said the producer.

"I hope you can do much better. Remember, Minho your name is Daehyun and Hwang your name is Youngjae. Action!"

We put ourselves in our respective positions according to the script and started with the performance.

"Daehyun, could you agree to go out with me?" Hyunjin asked in a dramatic tone.


"Honestly, I'm frustrated," he admitted.

"You always run away from me, what's wrong? Don't you really wanna try?"

"It's not that, what happens is that, I don't feel prepared to face the world, you know?"

"Both of us will face the world, no matter what others say or think, we belong to each other and we will be happy if we wish."

"Youngjae, things aren't that easy.."

"I'm not saying they are, but love is much stronger than criticism." He interrupted me.

"My family turned their back on me as soon as I told them about our relationship and I accepted their decision because I don't care about anything other than us."

I looked up from the floor to meet his and felt incredibly nervous as Hyunjin started to move his face closer to start the fucking kiss, however, I took a step back and the producer let out a yelp of frustration.

"Oh my- Cut!"

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