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"Lee, it's time for you to go straight for the award," spoke Lay, the CEO of Z&W Studio.

"I would not like it if you did not have the fame you deserve because you are an excellent actor and dancer."

For six months, I have been training to be able to give my best at all times, I cannot deny that, on many occasions, I feel stressed, sad and frustrated since it is not easy to belong to this world full of criticism, false love, obsession and many more factors that can destabilize you until you fall.

However, Lay is an incredible and admirable person, he has made sure that I don't lack anything, not even the security I need because there are many people who believe that obsession is true love and that is not true.

"I'll do my best to make it happen."

I assured him.

"I feel so happy to hear those words"

He smiled openly and after handing me a folder, he said: "Lee Minho, we have signed a contract to film a series and you will be one of the protagonists."

"Really? It's great!"

Since my arrival in this world I have learned that any project is unique and valuable because you develop skills, experience and knowledge that will make you a better actor.

You cannot simply refuse a role because it is not your personality, the best thing is, understand the character so much to the point of really feeling what he is experiencing; It is difficult to find an actor who conveys to you one hundred percent the feelings and emotions they are having because they only want to show beauty.

"I know that your forte is dancing, but I would like you to try more things"

Lay spoke with an almost fatherly tone.

"I trust your abilities and your talent, that is why I accepted..." i said to him with a smile.

The man remained completely silent because someone had broken into the office.

We both turn to the person who has entered as if it were his own office and I bowed.

"Did you tell him?"

Asked Wang, Lay's partner as soon as he closed the door behind him.



Wang turned to me and said: "You are part of the cast <The Shipper>! Can you believe it?"

"The Shipper?"



"Minho, you are about to enter a dimension you don't know and..."

"Wang, that's enough."

Lay interrupted. "You better not mess it up..."

"Excuse me, what is the plot of <The Shipper> about?"

Wang and Zhang looked at me with expressions that are hard to read because their jaws dropped.

"He's Korean, don't blame him because they tend to have very closed minds"

Wang laughed.

"Did you forget that we are Chinese?"

Zhang rolled his eyes. "It's also difficult for us all this, but I'm sure we'll get so much fame."

They both started to say endless nonsense regarding a topic that I don't know, despite being used to all this, I can't just ignore it because I could find information between the lines, however, they have started speaking in Chinese and my hopes of understanding all this, they went to the nearest trash can.

"Lee Minho."

I looked at Lay.

"You'll have to show up this afternoon for the producer's workshop, you'll meet the rest of the cast, so good luck!"

@hwangeyesmile speaking !

here i am with another hyunho story!!

telling the truth.. idk if i should continue this, i'll wait for some of you guys to comment or vote so i'll know if i need to continue or not!

but if it's a yes then.. hyunjin's coming soon! promise!

and.. a little sorry if it's a little bit boring but i'll promise that for now on it will be more exciting for you all to read! ^.^

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