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I put aside those absurd thoughts and concentrated on the road, during the rest of the journey, I looked out the window at the incredible landscape, as if it were the most important thing right now because I don't want to meet Hwang's gaze again because it makes me tremble.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously as soon as the van was parked in front of a luxurious mansion that is very far from the city.

"My house," he answered as he opened the door to get out of the truck.

"Your house? What?" I got out of the truck and walked briskly behind him.

"Why are we here? We are going to record some scenes?"

"Minho." he interrupted me after turning to me.


"What part of "we're going to be together" didn't you understand?"

"I..um...well..." I bit my lower lip as I tried to think clearly about my next words.

"I don't know!" I shrieked.

"From today, we will live together, do you understand?"

"No, I do not want to..."

"It has already been agreed by our respective bosses, there is no going back." he sentenced.

The man entered the mansion and I stood transfixed looking at the glass door that has been closed.

"Did you leave me here without even looking back once!?" I asked out loud.

"That's right," Kang replied after perching on my right side.

"I'm sorry to tell you that, it's very common for him."

"I already realized," I sighed.

I turned to the Kang and asked, "Do you know where I'll be living?"

The man laughed sideways.

"In the mansion, where else would you live?"

"I don't know, in the dog house?"

Kang let out a roaring laugh.

"Hwang doesn't have a dog, so you'll have to live in one of the guest rooms."

"I wish I had a room far enough away from Hwang."

"I'm sure he'll change his mind in less than a month." he smiled lopsidedly.

I was about to ask him about what he said, when suddenly, I felt a slight headache that made me fall unconscious on the ground.

time skip . .

I opened my eyes and looked around the room to identify the place, I was about to panic when I remembered that now I have to live under the same roof as Hwang, the boy I don't even know.

"Are you all right, young Lee?" Kang asked me as soon as I met his worried gaze.


"Perfect, we better get to work." Hwang spoke.

"Young Hwang, we'd better let young Lee rest a bit longer." Kang advised.

At least there is one nice person in this place, I thought.

"Whatever," he murmured.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know, excuse me." The man left the room and I looked at Hwang.

"By the way, thanks for bringing me here," I thanked him.

"It wasn't me," he laughed.

"It was my bodyguard, do you really think I'd carry you here?"

"It was a complete mistake to think that you have an education," I buffeted.

Hwang shrugged.

"You'd be too surprised if you really knew me. For now, sleep until you feel better, I'm going to work because I have to give you all the luxuries you want, darling~" He let out mockingly.

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