☆forty four☆

315 21 2

Most of the people completely believed the nonsense words that Hyunjin had said.

Apparently, his plan had worked to the point that, everything went back to normal as soon as we uploaded a picture holding hands in the middle of the night in an unknown location.

Hyunjin is right, like the rest of my friends and bosses, I should try to be more confident so I can try things that I haven't experienced out of fear.

After accepting a second chance to show us that we really love each other, Hyunjin promised me that he would do everything possible to formally ask me to be his boyfriend, but that will be later because now we have been constantly in the crosshairs of the paparazzi and we cannot give them more material, that makes them doubt our decision.

For the moment, I don't care if Hyunjin has asked me formally or not, I'm too happy with having the opportunity to continue by his side without lies involved; I sincerely hope to succeed in this relationship that will be in the crosshairs all the time.

I haven't been able to meet the blonde-haired guy for a week because he left the country because he had to go to a photo session.

I decided not to go back to his mansion because we both need a bit of freedom and quiet when we return home after a busy day at work.

"I love it!" Felix screeched.

"You should definitely use that one," Han said.

"Are you sure?" I looked indecisively at the pink box that arrived at my apartment this morning.

"Of course!" they answered in unison.

Tonight will be special because I am willing to try things that I have never even thought of before and I am sure that Hyunjin will like them a lot.

time skip...

I looked at the clock again and sighed.

In ten minutes Hyunjin will arrive at my apartment and I've made sure that everything is in complete order because I don't want to make even a tiny mistake that could ruin the night.

Felix and Jisung have been very helpful in choosing my outfit, they are experts in so many things and choosing attractive outfits is their specialty and I am thankful for that.

Hyunjin texted me to say that he was waiting for me at the door, so after taking a quick glance at myself in the full-length mirror, I left my room and went straight to the door, opened it, and froze to find myself Hyunjin with loose blonde hair, bronze eyeshadow on his eyelids, a bit of lip gloss, and several earrings in both ears; In addition, he wears a white suit with black lapels and the first two buttons are open, exposing a very appetizing area of ​​his chest.

"Will you let me pass?" he asked.


As soon as I closed the door, I turned to him and asked him: "How is it possible that you look so sexy?"

"My secret." he smiled sideways.

He took a seat and patted the empty space next to him, without hesitation, I took a seat.

"How did it go?"

"Nothing bad. You?"

"I really missed you," I admitted.

Felix recommended that I be honest and that this would help me a lot to make clear what I really want.

"I missed you too."

"Do you want to have dinner?"

"I'd gladly have dinner with you," he joked.

"I'm talking about food" I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm i'm not..." Hyunjin brought me closer to him and put his lips on mine and kissed me with passion, desire and need that completely stunned me.

"You taste so good, you smell wonderful and you are all mine. Is there something that is not perfect in you?"

"I don't think so" I moved a little away from him. "I'll show you something."

"What is it?"

"Wait...don't be impatient" I laughed.

"First you need to unwrap the gift."

Hyunjin looked around in search of the gift, after not finding it, he turned his gaze to me again and asked: "Where is the gift?"

"Here it is. I am the gift."

It's now or never, I thought.

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