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"Why don't we all go together?" asked Bang excitedly.

I don't know exactly why the foreigner has been invited to such an important night, however, I decide to completely ignore the discomfort I feel right now and I swallowed my jealousy and pride, this is not the time to be a bad person.

"Sounds good to me" I smiled. "Come on."

Hyunjin didn't say anything, he just walked behind us.

Throughout the journey to the luxurious property where the gala will take place, I kept busy sending messages to my friends and Jeongin, the boy feels too nervous right now and that is why I decided to give him some advice and words of encouragement.

Upon arrival, I got out of the truck as soon as Kang opened the door for me and I prepared to walk down the red carpet without the company of the other two men, however, I was stopped by the blonde-haired man and I remembered that I had to pretend that we are together, otherwise our remarkable distance might look too suspicious.

Hyunjin took my hand and after intertwining our fingers, we started walking on the red carpet until we reached the glass door that has been opened for us;

Bang walked behind in complete silence, however, the questions and shouts from fans and reporters didn't wait, but I don't have the time or head to stop and talk to them right now, so I just sent greetings random and continued on my way.

The interior of the property is so elegant and expensive, everything is made of glass.

I can't ignore the crowd, they're all wearing custom-made designer suits, plus their physiques are no joke.

Unintentionally, my jaw dropped to find Jeongin walking towards me showing a radiant smile, besides, the outfit he's wearing makes him look much more handsome and mature.

"Minho!" he squealed as soon as she stopped in front of me.

"Glad to see you again."

"Did you miss me a lot?" I joked.

"Of course!" He smiled again.

Hyunjin cleared his throat in an attempt to make it clear to us that he is also present at this time.

"Jeongin, this is Hyunjin, my boyfriend." I introduced him, "Hyunjin, this is Jeongin, my co-worker and friend."

The boy bowed in greeting without missing a moment his radiant smile that grew much bigger when he met a certain person behind us.

"Oh, right" I looked at Bang "He's Christopher Bang, Hyunjin's friend..."

"I'm Yang Jeongin," the boy introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," spoke Bang.

"The pleasure is mine," he sighed.


It'd be better for love to blossom between the two of them so that Bang lets Hyunjin go free.

I thought.

The blonde head looked at me as soon as he noticed my smile that I couldn't hide and now, I've been caught.

"What?" I asked.

"And that smile? Are you thinking of doing something mischievous?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Do you think that kissing and groping in the toilets is a pleasant prank?"

Hyunjin swallowed hard and his gaze turned much darker.

I seem to know exactly how to get to him without trying too hard or coming across as a complete idiot with no experience in love.

Honestly, I have no idea how to win him over unless it's based on wicked scenes and actions.

"Should we try it right now?"

"I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Why do you turn me on and then let me go?"He complained.

"It was just a joke" I shrugged.

"Follow me."

Without resisting, I let myself be guided by the blonde-haired man who didn't care about attracting the glances of most of the guests, he didn't even notice it, he simply walked towards a place far enough away to be able to carry out his perverse fantasies.

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