☆forty three☆

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As soon as I got to my apartment, I threw the cell phone at one of the walls and the device broke completely when it felt the strong impact.

I had worked so hard to make my dream come true and in the blink of an eye, everything went straight to shit.

Everything turns out worse than I had imagined since I accepted that absurd deal that I should not have even considered.

"Shit!" I yelled resentfully. "Why does everything go wrong for me?" I complained.

I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes in an attempt to relax to prevent my cat form from coming out right now.

"How can it be possible that, because of those damn photos and videos, they are screwing up my life? It's complete bullshit!"

I should have thought twice before accepting that damn deal that has only affected me, while Hyunjin continues to get more followers because they think that I have been the bad guy in the relationship.

Followers are so fickle, one day they give their all for you and as soon as you make a small mistake, they turn their backs on you and sink you until it is impossible for you to get out of the pit you have been thrown into without thinking twice.

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard some knocks on the door, reluctantly, I walked up to it and tried to push away the immense desire of wanting to knock on anything in order to relax a bit.

These are not times to completely lose my mind, but if it's a fucking reporter on the other side of the door, I'll punch him without a second thought.

I took the doorknob and opened it after unlocking it. I honestly didn't expect that person to be in front of me right now.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've come to save you, prince," he grinned.

"Hyunjin, I'm not in the mood for silly jokes," I huffed.

"They're not silly jokes," he assured me.

"I had to do some mischief to get your image completely cleaned up. Can you let me in through?"

I stepped aside to give him space and without thinking, he entered the apartment as if it were his own.

I locked the door and walked to the couch, took a seat and looked at the blondehead making it clear that he has my full attention.

"Minho, I've talked to Lay and my boss, they both accepted my request," he said with a serious tone.

"What request are you talking about?"

"I made the news where you got screwed, turned into a complete trap to generate hate towards us in order to ruin our beautiful relationship."

"Be clearer," I asked.

Hyunjin changed places, this time, he has taken a seat on my right side and without asking my permission or warning me, he took my hand and intertwined our fingers, I automatically felt so calm when I felt the soft touch of his hands on mine and even now is when I realized that I wanted so much to have him by my side and that I had only spent a week away from him.

"I have told everyone that our relationship is still valid and that it was not true about the end of our relationship." he said. "I also said that all those women wanted was to ruin what we have achieved because they are stupid."

"Did you really do that?" I laughed. "Did they believed you?"

"Of course!" He grinned, "I also assured them that you wouldn't be able to fool me and I wouldn't either. My boss and Lay agreed and supported the second part of my plan."

"What is the second part?"

"I invented that you had decided to end the relationship because you were too sad after realizing that not everyone agreed with our love." he smiled. "What do you think?"

"It's nothing but nonsense."

"I do nonsense because I want you by my side." his tone was so direct and serious that it made me feel a slight tremor throughout my body.

"Lee Minho, don't forget that you like me and I like you too. I did all this because I think we should give ourselves a chance, not just for fame, but because we really want to try it and if at some point this doesn't work, then I'll set you free." he assured me.

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