☆forty nine☆

267 15 3

"We have come to visit you, can't we or what?"

"Honey, don't get excited"

Hyunjin's father asked the other person who rolled his eyes as soon as he heard his partner's request.

"You should have told me..."

"Oh my God! Who do you think you are to give us an appointment?"


"Enough Changbin! don't make me angry further."

"Seungmin, you know perfectly well that our son is busier than ever now that he has a beautiful boy by his side."

Minho looked at the three men without understanding what was happening right now.

"Minho, these are Changbin and Seungmin, my parents." Hyunjin introduced them.

"Parents, he is..."

"Your boyfriend" spoke the man named Seungmin.

"You're handsome. I apologize for having attracted the attention of that airhead." he said with a mocking tone as he pointed to Hyunjin who made an expression of surprise.

"I... It's a pleasure to meet you! I honestly didn't know that Hyunjin had two dads. Now things make more sense to me and I feel much more relaxed."

"Minho, does Hyunjinnie treat you well? Or should I berate him?" asked the man named Changbin.

"He's a good person," I admitted.

"I'm glad to hear that. By the way, is he the boy you fell in love with in that place...?"

"Dad!" Hyunjin yelled "Don't say anything else!" he yelled seriously.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that confidential information..."

"God, Hwang Hyunjin! Why don't you tell him the truth?" Seungmin asked.


"Again, Binnie?"

"No. No. Do and say what you want."

"That's how I like it" he smiled sideways, then he looked at me and said: "I'll go make dinner with my husband, I'll leave you to talk about many things."

Hyunjin's parents went straight to the kitchen and without wasting any more time, I turned to him.

"What do you have to tell me, Hwang Hyunjin?" I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms.

Indeed, I have become defensive because I am completely unaware of the intentions of that man right now.

It could all have been a simple prank to get a little fun out of it, or possibly you just decided to take the deal because you were bored and wanted to experiment.

"How do I explain it without sounding too stupid?"

"Just say it."

Hyunjin sighed. "I saw you for the first time in the cafeteria where you worked before you became an actor" he admitted "I must confess to you that from that day on I was completely smitten and I devised a plan that would be suitable to get closer to you without too many problems... Or at least, I thought it was the most appropriate thing," he explained. "I asked Lay, my father's partner, to go look for you to ask you to join his company because that way, I could get closer to you much easier."

"Are you saying that it was all a plan? yours? Did they really see no potential in me and they just followed your orders?" I asked with a touch of sadness that Hyunjin did not go unnoticed.

"Minho, you clearly have the necessary skills to be an actor. I did not influence that, I only facilitated the way for you to be noticed by a company in which you have grown a lot and you have done wonderfully, but you have achieved it on your own merits, not because I have decided so."

Clearly, Hyunjin is telling the truth.

It is true that he was not the person who helped me get ahead through the skills that I have and that I have been developing, he simply gave me the opportunity to have a company where they take care of me and have never tried to hurt me.

"So, the idea of ​​the BL was yours?"

"No, I didn't say anything, Lay called my manager and told him about a role in a BL series and when I arrived and saw you, I felt very happy to have the opportunity to act with you and that made me approach you. Honestly, I had no idea that you would be part of the cast."

"Why did you act so cold when we introduced ourselves?" I asked curiously.

"I'm so sorry about that," he sincerely apologized, "I act like a complete fool when I find myself in front of the person I've liked for a year."

I don't understand the exact reason, but I feel extremely happy hearing what Hyunjin says.

Now is when I realize that love makes you a complete fool.

"I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you in that place" I confessed. "But I didn't have the courage, much less the certainty that what I felt towards you was love. Hwang Hyunjin, I like you too much and I never tire of saying it."

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