☆thirty six☆

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Even if I don't want to accept it, Bang is too right and I can't ignore what I really feel or want;

It's time to face everything that comes in order to be happy, however, being happy implies leaving behind everything that I have achieved because I depend on not falling in love to continue being human.

I must accept that, I have searched for a way to completely get rid of that cat part that takes over me, but I have not been successful in finding answers that could be of help.

Tonight is very important since, Hyunjin and I, we will present ourselves again in a program that is very successful in the country, it is even broadcast in some other parts of the world and that is why everything has to go perfectly to be able to give the best show to the fans.

I haven't had the courage to talk to Hyunjin for a whole week and I really appreciate the fact that he has too much work because I consider it an ideal excuse to get away from him with the sole purpose of not distracting him from his daily activities.

"Are you ready?" The blonde haired man asked me in a low voice.

His question has made me jump because of the mini scare because I was too lost in my thoughts that I had not noticed his arrival.

"I am," I smiled in an attempt to make it clear that I'm telling the truth, but it was a complete mistake to look at him because I feel faint with his magnificent beauty that makes me drool without being able to avoid it.

"You look extremely beautiful."

An immense desire to go directly into his arms so I can feel his warmth and his lips on mine makes me smile like a fool, however, I quickly hide my true emotions.

"Thanks. You also look beautiful."

"Minho..." I looked up to meet his eyes.

"I don't like that you put a great distance between us," he admitted.

"if something bothers you, don't hesitate to tell me and I'll do everything possible to avoid what makes you feel uncomfortable or annoying."


The MC called us and my answer was interrupted.

Hyunjin took my hand and interlocked our fingers, he exerted a slight force that made me feel that everything was fine and that we were in this together;

The grip is so warm, innocent and full of feelings that I can't decipher precisely because I've been completely entranced by his bright gaze that makes me feel at home.

"Welcome!" yelled the MC.

"I can't believe they look so much cuter in person, I'm definitely about to faint because of so much love that's breathed!" Lee Minhyuk said with a sweet tone.

"We can't stop loving each other," the blonde haired man spoke.

We both take a seat on the couch in front of the MC after letting go of each other's hands

Unbelievably, I felt so empty not having the touch of her soft skin on mine.

"And don't stop doing it." Minhyuk smiled. "We are pleased to have you here! The whole audience wanted to see you!"

"Thanks for the invitation." I said.

"We also wanted to have a meeting with our fans. They are the best!"

"No, no... You are the best!" He grinned.

"Guys, I must admit that I am your number one fan. I love you too much!"

"We're glad to know that." Hyunjin said. "Personally, I love your voice."

"I agree with Hyunjinnie. Your voice is incredible."

"Thank you very much... God, I'm embarrassed!" he squealed.

"You have an incredible gift for making me feel out of place, as if the bubble of love only covers the two of you, while it leaves me far away," he laughed.

"Minho is everything to me." Hwang said after meeting his gaze.

"He is what I have always dreamed of and I will never leave him, unless that is his decision."

I perfectly understood that great hint that you told me looking into my eyes.

It's amazing the fact that even though I don't want to accept it, I feel the same as him, but I'm too scared to throw myself directly into the precipice of love that could receive me in a not very pleasant way.

"Super cute!" Minhyuk yelled like the rest of the spectators.

"Hyunjinnie, you know perfectly well that I think the same as you." I admitted with a serious tone.

"I won't leave you, nor will I ever push you away."

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