☆thirty five☆

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After wandering for five hours, I called Kang to come get me.

I've been thinking about Hyunjin and that strange thing I feel every time I'm with him and I came to the conclusion that it's not just a fever or something like that, it's something else I've never felt before and I'm too scared.

"We've arrived," Kang announced.

After thanking him, I got out of the truck and walked into the luxurious mansion, however, the little energy I had gained completely vanished when I came face to face with the foreigner.

"Hello!" greeted me with too much happiness.

I'm definitely the only one having issues right now and I'm sure making a storm in a teacup.

"How was your day?"

"Hello. It went well." I answered without much desire because I really don't want to have a conversation with him right now.

"I'm glad to hear that. Can we talk?" he asked in a low tone.

"In private." he added.

I nodded in response and followed him out into the back garden.

"You know, I've noticed that you don't like me." he said.

"Is it because you're jealous?"

"You're very direct" I laughed.

"No, it's nothing like that," I assured him.

"I've been having a lot of problems lately and I have no head for anything other than finding solutions to those problems."

"The "said problem" has the name Hyunjin and the surname Hwang?"

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't think I'm the right one to tell you the reason that made him approach you, but I can tell you that the attempts he makes to attract your attention are not a joke. Hyunjin has always had trouble liking the first time with anyone, things get much more out of control when he finds himself face to face with the person he really likes." he said with a serious tone.

"He will do everything possible to please people. That's why he will always look for a way to get closer to you, after studying your likes and dislikes," he laughed.

"I know him very well and that's why I can assure you that he is serious. Don't let fear take control, if you really want to be something more than a fake boyfriend, don't hesitate, he will never hurt you." he assured me.

"Hyunjin asked you to tell me this?"

"Of course not! If he finds out about this, he'll kill me."

"I understand. Honestly, I appreciate your words, but I'm not entirely sure that I can accept being more than his fake boyfriend." I confessed.


"We are in two completely different worlds. He's an unreachable star and I'm just shining a bit. Hyunjin does everything right, he sings, dances, acts and models, plus he has thousands of fans and followers... And quite a few job offers!"

"What does that have to do with anything? If they really like each other, that takes a backseat."

"The world of entertainment is very cruel." I sighed.

"Since I started dating Hyunjin, they have not stopped writing articles about how the brightest star in the universe, he stayed next to the actor who pretends to be a firefly and no matter how he tries, he can't shine like his partner. "

"You don't need to be extremely famous to accept that you have fallen in love because love is not related to gender, money, fame or whatever. You must understand that you have the power to shut up all those idiots who believe that about you because you have the ability and skills to shine more than Hyunjin himself, it's just a matter of losing your fear."

Losing fear is what has anchored me the most to this difficult life because it has taken complete control of my mind and body, clearly it's not easy to get rid of fear overnight and that, not everyone understands.

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