☆forty seven☆

270 17 1

Hyunjin had to leave quickly in the morning since he had to record a video together with other guys about a new fragrance.

I must admit that the night before was wonderful, we even made dinner together and completely avoided burning down the entire apartment, that's a great achievement.

In addition, we talked about trivial topics that might not make sense, but they seemed very important to me, we also talked about our future goals and many other things.

It's like I've known Hwang Hyunjin for so long, however, that would be completely impossible as I would remember him perfectly if we had met before.

After having had a simple breakfast, I left the apartment and walked towards the doors of the building, this time, I have not been accompanied by Kang because I assured Hyunjin that I would get a bodyguard myself, he did not think it was my idea, but, still, he accepted.

I have to prove that I too can get what I need, I'm not just a fool depending on her highly famous and brilliant boyfriend.

"Lee Minho! Could you answer some questions?"

"Minho, this way!"

"Could you give us an interview?"

"Is it true that your relationship with the magnificent actor Hwang Hyunjin was in trouble because of a third person?"

"Don't you feel belittled by being the shadow of a great actor?"

Most of the questions made me slightly annoyed, however, I will not make it clear that they really affect me because it will be like giving them the input directly to fuck my life.

The massive flashes of the cameras made me feel slightly dizzy, I had completely forgotten that I lose control when I feel so cornered among so many people who seek to hear what they want and not what I really want.

"Minho, how is your life now that you are taking the fame of your brilliant boyfriend?"

"Are you dating actor Hwang Hyunjin just for fame?"

The cameras, cell phones, microphones, thousands of flashes, and people made me feel too overwhelmed, so the only thing I could do to escape everyone's claws and fangs was to faint without meaning to.

Submitting myself to too much pressure makes me completely lose my senses and the strength to come out intact.

This time, I have not turned into a cat and I am very grateful for that.

time skip...

"Everything will be fine," Lay repeated for the twelfth time in less than five minutes.

Jackson did not hesitate for a second to bring Minho directly to a private room in a luxurious hospital and prohibited the entry of reporters.

Lay turned to Wang and asked fearfully, "Will he be okay?"

"He will be," he assured him.

"He fainted from so much pressure. I'm sure we'll be out of here soon."

"Damn it," he muttered, "I shouldn't have sent him straight to the slaughterhouse..."

"It wasn't your fault," Wang spoke with a serious tone.

"Of course! I have been to blame for this."

"No. None of the three of us have been guilty, the reporters really screwed everything up, they shouldn't have been so harsh. Plus, there's the fact that Minho didn't have bodyguards at the time to block even a little bit of the pressure he was cruelly subjected to."

"That's why I'm to blame. I should have sent him a bodyguard!"

"Where is Minho?" both men turned to Hyunjin, apparently, he has run here because you can perceive that based on his rapid breaths.

"He is sedated," Wang spoke.

"His health is stable, there is no danger."

"Why the hell didn't he have a bodyguard with him?" Hyunjin asked with inconvenience.

"It was my mistake," Lay said.

"Of course it was your mistake. Didn't I tell you that you should take care of him at all times?"

"Hyunjin... I'm sorry. Really."

"You'd better take better care of him from now on, otherwise, you'll have too many problems with me, Lay." Hwang sentenced with a serious tone.

"Obviously. I swear that something similar will not happen." he assured him.

Indeed, Minho had been hired by Lay because Hyunjin saw unique abilities in the black-haired man as soon as he saw him for the first time.

Hwang's parents are very wealthy people and they practically own the entire country, which is why he did not hesitate for a single second to leave Minho in the hands of Lay, one of his father's partners.

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