☆twenty nine☆

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"Looks like you've been very busy with your new little friend," Hwang said as soon as he saw me enter the mansion.

I stopped dead and looked at him.

"He's my new co-worker, our chemistry must be the best." I replied without giving it too much importance.

"We'll be dating in the drama, so, we should get closer and get to know each other as much as we can so we can give a performance of envy."

"I do not doubt it."

"Why do you have that expression?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's not obvious?"

"No. Explain to me" he said after crossing his arms.

"Hyunjin, do you think I do with Jeongin the same things I do with you?"


"You're so stupid."

"I thought you were very clear that I only let you touch me and excite me that way." I replied with obviousness.

"Honestly, it bothered me a little to have that idea in mind all the time..."

"What would happen if I kiss Jeongin?" I asked curiously.

The blode head's gaze turned dark and the cute smile completely disappeared.

"I will punish you."

He was about to speak, when suddenly Kang appeared, followed by another person he hadn't seen.

"Young Hwang, you have a visitor." He announced.

The blode head turned to the visitor and grinned.

"Christopher! What are you doing here?" Hyunjin's overflowing emotion causes me to gag.

He didn't hesitate for a second to go straight into the arms of the handsome man wearing an expensive custom-made designer suit.

"I'm on vacation, so I didn't hesitate to come see you."

"At last you deigned to come to my humble abode," he said sarcastically.

"How long will you be here?"

"I just got here and you're going to kick me out?"

"Of course not. You know I wouldn't be able to do that, if it were up to me, I'd love for you to live with me."

"In that case, I'll stay a month. How about that?"

Right now, I feel like I shouldn't be in this emotional meeting, just like Kang.

On the other hand, I can't deny that they both look great together.

They seem like a perfect couple who love each other too much and do not stop overflowing with love, it is as if they shit unicorns and rainbows of colors because of the high consumption of love to which they are subjected without being forced.

"Why the long face, young Lee?" Kang asked me with a hint of teasing in his voice.

I turned to him and after rolling my eyes, I asked: "Which long face? I thought I was clear about the bitter face I have all the time."

"You don't even believe it, young Lee."

I was about to start a pointless argument with Kang, my bodyguard, however, I was interrupted by Hyunjin as he walked towards me and said: "This is Lee Minho, a co-worker. This is Christopher Bang, my best friend." He introduced us.

I don't know exactly why the hell I felt a curious tightness in my chest at the sound of "co-worker" coming out of Hwang Hyunjin's mouth.

This is complete bullshit and I need to fix my mental issues before it's too late;

I can't fall before love's fucking claws.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. You are very handsome." Spoke Bang.

"The pleasure is mine and thanks for the compliment."

"By the way, you act very well." He smiled.

"I liked your role in the drama..."

"Aren't you hungry?" intervened Hwang.

"Let's go to dinner."

"I'm going to rest. Enjoy dinner. It was a pleasure, Christopher." I said.

"The same," He replied looking at me.

Waving goodbye to Hyunjin i turned towards the stairs and Kang murmured: "Can't it be more obvious, young Lee?"

"Do they pay you to bother me or to take care of me?" I asked without raising my voice.

"For both things." He smiled openly.

He is definitely a very observant person and it is not easy to hide things from him, so I must take care of my expressions and feelings very well, before the person who creates internal debates realizes the power he has on me.

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