☆forty two☆

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The night before had turned into complete chaos after I confessed my true feelings towards the blondehead, after having said what I really felt, Hyunjin was called to introduce himself to the guests as he had to announce the winner of the night regarding the most beautiful face of the year.

I didn't have time to listen to an answer from him and I think it was for the best;

Possibly, the correct thing is to forget what was said the night before to avoid too many problems with myself.

I didn't even stay to listen to the winner because I really didn't want to be in that place, which is why, I walked straight up to Kang and asked him to take me home and he accepted without a bit of opposition.

I don't know exactly what is happening with me, there are too many emotions and feelings that are accumulating and that I have never had before, which is why I don't know how to control them.

"The contract ends today," Lay announced as soon as I took a seat across from him.

With so many things on my mind, I had completely forgotten about that.

"Are you ready to end that relationship?" he asked me seriously.

"All things have an expiration date." I shrugged to play it down.

"Have you talked to Hyunjin's boss yet?"

"It's right. We are already agreeing on a declaration letter on the termination of the relationship."

"Who will be to blame?"

"It will be a unanimous decision."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. We do not want to affect the image of either of them, on the contrary, we want them to be more successful."

"Sounds good to me," I confessed.

"What's up Minho? I see you very differently... Did something happen?"

"It's nothing," I shrugged.

"I have too many silly things on my mind."

"Your face tells me the opposite." Wang said.

"Minho, if you really like Hwang, why don't you just send everything to hell and give it a try?"

"It's not that easy."

"Those who really are your fans will stay with you no matter what happens, as long as they are not actions that affect your life or person. You should think twice before making a decision that could be the opposite of what you thought."

"Wang is right," Lay spoke.

"Think better about your next steps because once you have taken it, it will be too difficult to turn back."

Both are right, however, I don't think it's time to act.

time skip...

"Indeed, the relationship between Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Minho has ended," said one of the women from the shows.

"It is said that they have too much work ahead that they cannot neglect, which is why they have decided to end their dream relationship."

"Everyone adored the immense love they had for each other, but apparently, work has more importance in the lives of both. I must accept that, I will miss them too much, but it is not the end."

"From my very personal point of view..." the other woman spoke "I believe that Lee Minho was to blame for the end of their relationship."

"Why do you say that?"

"Don't you remember that Lee was dating the rookie Jang? There are even many photos and videos where they are very intimate!"

"That's right," the other girl agreed, "I had completely forgotten about it. In that case, there is a high possibility that Lee was unfaithful to Hwang..."

What nonsense are both girls saying? They are crazy!

I thought bitterly after turning off the television.

I would never be unfaithful to my partner because it seems too cheeky and few pants to carry out an action of that dimension; If the relationship is no longer working, it is best to say so directly to avoid so many problems that can even affect your health.

I turned to Lay and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I was sure that the letter would be the best option to make it clear that it was a unanimous decision."

"Don't pay attention to that, Minho," Wang spoke.

The media has always been a piece of shit in this kind of situation.

I have a huge headache right now because things are getting out of hand.

Reluctantly, I checked my social networks and unfortunately, I have lost more than ten thousand followers in less than five minutes.

Hyunjin has definitely garnered all the empathy from fans and other viewers.

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