☆thirty four☆

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"I need to finish all this," I said as soon as I entered Lay's office.

Wang looked at me blankly, as did my boss, apparently both of them were so caught up in an important conversation that they didn't even notice my arrival.

"As soon as possible," I added.

"Why? What happened?" Lay asked.

"Nothing important, it's just that, I consider it necessary since the drama is about to air..."

"It's correct." Wang spoke.

"We can't end this relationship, even if you want it so much for two reasons. The first is that we have signed a damn contract and the second is that you might ruin the broadcast of the drama. Now what has happened? If it has been something serious, we can end the contract without any problem."

"Jackson is absolutely right, Minho." said Lay.

"We need you to tell us what has happened so we can know what actions to take."

"I can't tell you that I'm about to inexplicably fall for a guy named Hwang Hyunjin and it's the worst thing that can happen to me because I'll turn into a damn cat forever. I have fought too hard to get what little I have achieved, I don't want to lose everything for a relationship that can't possibly work out at all and could end too soon!"


"Minho, you can't be so impulsive. You know, we will always be on your side, but please, do not make work and personal come together so that they completely ruin you. Remember that your worst enemy could be yourself." Lay said seriously.

"I know," I sighed, but the more I try to push my personal problems away, the more they wrap me up and make me doubt myself.

"Did you fall in love with Hyunjin?" Wang asked me.


"No?" He smiled sideways "I don't think so."

"How could I fall in love with a person I barely know?" I rolled my eyes to downplay that topic that has me without sleep.

"It's easy because there is love at first sight. Have you never heard about it? What planet do you live on?"

I laughed.

"Considering I'm a half-human cat, I don't think I live on the same planet as him, but I can't say that outright because my career and life would be destroyed forever."

"I don't know."

"My dear Minho, why don't you try to relax a bit and enjoy what is happening in this new stage of your life? Love is very beautiful, it makes you suffer, cry, smile, hate, sigh... so many things that, in the future, will be the steps of an unforgettable experience that will help you to know what you really want in your life..." Lay spoke with fatherly tone.

"Falling in love is such a unique experience."

"You are in love?" Wang asked.

"We're talking about Minho."

"Right." Wang looked at me and asked, "Are you in love?"

"I don't know. Probably just curious."

"I'll tell you something that I consider extremely important." Lay said.

"Don't go out with a person if you're just curious, it's best to make it clear what you really want because both of you could get hurt if you don't say things like they are."

"That's correct," Jackson agreed.

"It's horrible to go out with a person who is only curious, when you really feel something for him or her."

Something deep inside tells me that it is not just "curiosity", but something more than that, but I don't want to accept it because I'm afraid of making an irreversible mistake.

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