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I looked out the window and tried my best to avoid sighing because of the boredom I feel right now, why do I have to meet the CEO at seven o'clock in the morning? That's not good for my health!

Right now, I am in the elegant and luxurious Z&W Studio building because I have to meet Zhang, he called me at five in the morning to make an appointment at seven o'clock, isn't he tired?

The office door was opened and Zhang came in wearing an expensive outfit that makes him look much more handsome than usual;

I can't deny that he and Wang look incredibly handsome in whatever outfit they decide to wear.

"Lee, we need to clarify some points that are of the utmost importance." He said after taking a seat in front of me.

"First of all, I hope you can have a believable fake relationship with Hwang. I know that this is not easy, but if we want to obtain the fame that we so desire, we must sacrifice something or other on the way to our main objective. Now, how are things going with Hwang? Is everything in order? Do you have any complaints or suggestions?"

"Hwang seems to be a good man, however, I have a few doubts." I said with a serious tone.

"I don't know much about his private life, and it's not because I want to be nosy or something like that, but I would like to know if there is something specific that bothers him to avoid with all my strength having a problem with him due to a misunderstanding that could have been avoided, am I explaining myself?"

"I like to hear that you care about playing a good role as the false boyfriend of that star." He smiled.

"Hwang is a man who does not usually tell his thoughts, feelings, or anything like that, however, he usually makes it very clear to you when something does not seem to him, he is too direct and focused."

"Your fame is much higher than mine, why did you accept that role in the series?" I asked without hiding my curiosity.

Honestly, I don't think he needs this to become better known, besides, everything he does works out well for him and he gets more and more fame.

Zhang smiled lopsidedly and after playing for a few seconds with his expensive pen designed just for him.

"A person like him will never get "no" for an answer. Hwang wants to make it clear to us that he can make his own decisions and will do whatever he wants."

"That doesn't clear my doubts..."

"Minho, you'd better ask him directly about the decision he made because I don't have the slightest idea of ​​the reason that led him to..."

"Sorry to interrupt, Zhang we have an important conference in five minutes." Wang said as soon as he entered the office.

"Hello," He greeted me.

"How's it going with your new boyfriend?"

"Not bad." I smiled.

"I was glad to see you, now, I'm retiring." I bowed as a farewell and left the luxurious office.

I am quite sure that there is something very well hidden in all this, otherwise it would not have been too easy to carry out the false relationship and all that, to understand what I have been dragged into, I must pay attention to everything they say.

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