☆forty eight☆

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Minho was under observation for a week in the luxurious hospital as Hyunjin's orders were too clear and they couldn't just ignore them.

Doctor Park, Lay, and Jackson had to obey every one of Hwang Hyunjin's orders, a boy who possesses too much power, confidence, and determination at such a young age.

There is no doubt that all this has been inherited by their parents and no one can go against the decisions that are made by the Hwang dynasty.

"He woke up!" Felix shouted happily as soon as he saw his friend open his eyes.

"I thought I would never see you again!" he joked.

"Don't say that nonsense" Jisung scolded him. "Are you feeling okay? Does something hurt? Do you know your name? What day is today? How many fingers do I have?"

"Don't be pressuring him." Lay spoke as soon as he entered the room followed by Wang.

"I'm sorry," Jisung muttered.

"Minho, are you feeling better?" Lay asked with a paternal tone as soon as he took a seat next to him.

"I feel much better" Minho admitted. "What happened?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary" Felix spoke,

"You just fainted in front of the reporters and that was it."

"It can't be..." he murmured.

"It will be another embarrassment added to my list."

"That's right" Wang smiled "Don't worry, it's normal for that to happen when you feel cornered. The reporters must have respected at least a little distance."

"Distance is the least of it," said Lay, "They shouldn't have asked those kinds of questions that seem irrelevant to me. Minho, from today you will have one of the best bodyguards in the world with you" he assured.

"This will not happen again."

"Thank you..."

"There's nothing to be thankful for." Lay smiled at him. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Of course. I want to get out of here right now."

time skip...

Hyunjin had not been able to attend the hospital since he had very important matters to attend to, however, he asked Lay to take care of Minho and do everything possible to make him feel comfortable and safe.

Lay has been his father's partner for five years and although it is not too long, they have an immense trust in each other that has grown over time.

The blonde-haired had asked Lay to take Minho directly to his mansion, since he did not want his baby to be alone in his apartment and he considers that his home is much safer than that building, which can be an easy target for many reporters who are highly frivolous.

Kang opened the door and the blonde-haired man got out of the truck to go directly in search of Minho because he wanted so much to be with him, kiss him and hold his hand because they haven't had any contact for two weeks and that makes him feel too empty and lonely.

"Where is Minho?" he asked Kang as soon as they entered the mansion.

He really feared that his baby had declined the request to stay by his side indefinitely because he is usually too independent.

"Here I am."

Hyunjin turned towards the stairs and smiled broadly when he found a sleepy Minho wearing one of his shirts and it makes him look much more appetizing, cute and handsome.

He definitely doesn't get tired of seeing his baby all the damn time and every time he's away from him, he feels like something is missing and he can't wait too long to find himself again in front of that little person who makes him sigh like a teenager in love.

"Baby!" the blonde headed man ran over to Minho and wrapped him in a warm hug that was well received.

"I missed you too much," he confessed.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked after finishing the hug.

"Yeah. I feel better."

Hyunjin couldn't wait a second longer and stamped his lips with his handsome boyfriend's.

They had missed each other too much, apparently, the love that suddenly blossomed between them has been growing as time goes by.

"Hyunjin? Son?"

Minho quickly moved away from Hyunjin upon hearing an unknown male voice.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

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