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The night before I had avoided with all my strength not to go down to the first floor since I didn't want to meet Hyunjin because he hadn't stopped playing with his best friend until very late at night.

Honestly, I feel something strange that causes a great annoyance every time I see them too close together;

That is why I decided to leave the mansion earlier than usual to avoid meeting both of them.

I also did not tell Kang that I would leave because he would not have hesitated to follow me.

Right now, I want to stay away from everyone because I feel so pressured and upset with myself and I don't even know exactly why that happens.

My life was relatively boring and meaningless, until I got involved with Hwang Hyunjin and even though we haven't known each other for too long, I feel like, that person has come to fuck up what little I've achieved.

My cell phone didn't stop vibrating because of the calls and messages I was receiving from Kang and Hwang, apparently, they don't know where I've gotten myself and it's better that way;

Sometimes you need time alone to be able to see the panorama more clearly and to know what decisions make.

Before turning off the cell phone, I sent a text asking Lay not to say anything about my whereabouts and he agreed, as long as I didn't get in trouble.

"You always have a long face, but I've never seen you as confused as you are right now." Baekhyun spoke after taking a seat in front of me, along with Key.

"You didn't even look like that when you agreed to be part of the show. What happened?"

"I have too many doubts right now and they all involve one person," I admitted.

"What has Hwang Hyunjin done?" Key asked.

I looked up to meet his, clearly surprised that he's hit the target.

How easy am I to read?

"Minho, your relationship has given a lot to talk about, now tell us, what happened?"

"Our relationship is very... how do I explain it?" I looked out the window to avoid eye contact with both boys who are experts at detecting lies.


Baekhyun choked on the strawberry milkshake, so Key had to help him not die by patting him on the back.

"What? Have you two already had sex?" He asked and his eyes wide open.

"Tell us everything!"

"No, we haven't had sex" I rolled my eyes.

"Just a touch here, another there.." and so I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's not what worries me." I admitted.

"Then what is it?"

Key's desperation makes me feel more pressured.

"I feel too jealous," I confessed.

"He has been very busy with a man who, it seems, had something more than a simple friendship with that foreigner and I feel that I am losing prominence."

"Ah, the only thing that worries you is not having his attention? Or do you really hate that someone else knows it so much better than you?"

"Could be both." I looked at Key.

"I don't know."

"It's easy to solve your doubt." Baekhyun spoke.

"Why don't you make use of our glorious and unique ability?"

I'm a complete fool for not having thought of that.

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