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It's not bad to bring some fun and happiness to the fans, right?

That is why, I accepted the proposal that was given to me by Lay and Wang, there is no doubt that, in the end, we live thanks to the people who support us, love us and are always with us regardless of the possible ridicule they may receive by the haters.

I took a seat where I was indicated by the interviewer and looked at Hyunjin.

"You look too beautiful," I said seductively.

The blond-haired man swallowed dryly and after smiling sideways, replied: "You're not far behind."

"I can feel and breathe the love they emanate, they are so cute!" the interview screeched.

"By the way, do you have nicknames or do you call each other by names?" he asked curiously.


I had not studied this possible question.

I will definitely let Hyunjin take the lead as he is an expert in lying when it comes to romance and such nonsense.

Sometimes, I think that he is perfect at all times and never loses his sense since he is usually too serious and selfish, whether in front of the cameras or in private, it is something that I like because he does not pretend to be someone who is not for him.. simple fact of bringing more fame.

"Minho is my baby." answered the blonde without hesitation.

"Remember, you must be daring," I told myself.

"Hyunjin is my daddy." I said without taking my eyes off the blonde-haired man who shone instantly when he heard my answer.

The screams of those present and the interviewer himself left me stunned for a few seconds because they have used all their strength to make the obvious happiness they feel at the moment much more emotional.

There is no doubt that Wang is an expert in devising the personalities that actors and/or singers should have.

Having a more daring and slightly shy personality when required is difficult to achieve because they are two opposite poles that you must know how to handle with balance, otherwise, it would look too fake and I don't want that.

The only thing on my mind is to give my fans what they love as a thank you for unconditionally supporting me all the time.

"Oh, my God!" exclaimed the interviewer.

"I feel like the third wheel right now." he laughed.

"How is it possible that, with a simple word accompanied by a seductive look, the study feels so hot?!" He asked after fanning himself with his hand.

I took my eyes to the interviewer and smiled sideways.

"There is no way to explain the immense love we feel, of course, there is also desire and passion, which is why our relationship has been successful."

"Minho is right," the blond-haired man agreed.

"He is an expert in making me lose my mind no matter where we are, I always have to pay attention to him because he loves to play around."

"You're not far behind," I laughed.

"Why? Tell us!" the interviewer yelled.

"Hyunjin is insatiable. He never has enough, he always wants more and more... the rest I'll leave to his imagination."

"Guys, I really feel that I have died and I am in hell enjoying a delicious love between men. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me in my whole miserable life!" He laughed.

"BL really keeps me alive!"

Apparently the public has liked my new personality as they have not stopped shouting with emotion with every word I have said, I am definitely doing it well and I am sure that with practice I will be an expert.

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