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"Mr Lee? He's okay?" Kang asked from the other side of my bedroom door.

I had been off Hwang's radar because I didn't want to do something stupid that would ruin everything, that's why, I decided not to leave my room unless it was really necessary.

"M-Mr. Lee?"

"I'm fine," I yelled from my bed as an answer to prevent him from going directly for help to force open the door.

"Something happened?"

"Hyunjin wanted to know if everything was alright."

"I understand. Anything else?"

"No that's all. I'll let you rest"

"See you later, Kang."

The man left and I was finally able to feel much better.

Suddenly, an immense pain ran through my entire body and I fell directly to the ground, but not before opening the window of my room to avoid feeling locked up.

I had stayed away from this little problem that will be difficult to hide from Kang and Hyunjin, as both men are always aware of me to prevent anything from happening to me;

It is for this reason that I wanted to return to my own department because I do not want to be seen in this pathetic way that it has cost me so much work to hide.

"Lee tells me he's fine," Kang informed his boss.

"However, I have a slight feeling he doesn't feel comfortable in the mansion."

"I have it more than clear, but I can't do anything to avoid all this. I too have received orders from the CEO and am not allowed to simply refuse."

"That's right, although he should be more friendly with Lee, that kid has too much inexperience and it's very easy to play with his mind. The best thing will be to help him a little so that he is not an easy target."

time skip . .

Kang is a good man who has taken care of me for so many years, that is why I gladly accept his advice and recommendations, he is a wise man who has managed to become a very important person for me.

He has been by my side since I started in show business and has never let go of me, on the contrary, he has always made sure to protect me at all times.

I was about to speak, when suddenly, a meow made us direct our surprised glances towards a cute kitten that has entered through the office window.

"Is that yours, Hyunjin?" Kang asked me as soon as he saw the kitten walking directly towards me.

"No, I don't have pets."

The nosy kitty climbed on my legs as if it were very normal and lay down lazily and even closed his eyes and remained motionless for a few moments;

Both Kang and I are spellbound by the kitty who has decided to take complete control.

"Should I get him out of here?"

The kitten meowed as soon as it heard Kang's question.

"Forget it, I think it's best to let him rest, he continued speaking."

I'm not a fan of pets, but I don't dislike them either, however, I decided not to have a pet since I don't have too much free time and I wouldn't like it to affect the little animal that was born to receive, due to my lack of commitment and time, love, care and affection.

"I'll leave it here, maybe it has run away from home and its owner could come looking for it."

"You're right, for now, I'm retiring."

I said goodbye to Kang without taking my eyes off the cute kitty that makes me feel so attracted for a single moment.

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