☆thirty one☆

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I walked straight to the gates of the huge mansion after getting out of Baekhyun's car who was quite insistent on bringing me here because he wanted to see Hyunjin a little closer.

I can't deny that these guys are good friends, I needed to talk to them to be able to regain the sense of what I want, now I have in my hands a skill that could help me discover what I really feel.

"Where the hell were you, Lee Minho?"

I dragged my gaze towards Hyunjin, behind him is an annoying Kang with his arms crossed waiting for my answer.

"I went out with some friends" I shrugged and resumed my way to my room.

However, Kang told Hyunjin "Is that all, young Hwang? Will there be no more questions?"

Without wasting any more time, I ran to my room to completely avoid the possible interrogation I would be subjected to by the red haired man.

At this time I need to be prepared to start with the plan.

I was unexpectedly thrown onto the bed with force, I fell on my back and I looked at Hyunjin who is very upset, I had never seen him like this before and unfortunately that makes me feel hotter because he had told me that he would punish me if I did something "bad"

"What are you doing?" I managed to ask after sending away my perverted thoughts.

The red haired's sly smile makes me swallow hard because he looks so handsome.

"I thought I made it very clear that I would punish you if you did something wrong, baby," he whispered in my ear, and I couldn't control the trembling that appeared throughout my body, as if it were a jelly that was about to be ingested.

"I didn't do anything wrong" I muttered.

"You worried me," he said against my neck.

"A lot."

He ripped my shirt open causing the buttons to fly everywhere, then he licked slowly from my collarbones to my lips and after making me wait for a long minute, he joined our lips in a needy kiss full of lust and desire;

I gladly received the kiss and without hesitation, I returned it.

The lack of air made us separate a bit, however, there was a transparent thread of saliva hanging from our lips and I felt too dizzy from the need to feel something other than hot kisses.

Possibly, what I feel for him is just sexual desire that will disappear as soon as we have a good night of sex so that I can completely get out of this confusion that is screwing me little by little.

Apparently, we both want something more than caresses and kisses.

Hyunjin lowered his face towards my abdomen and began to lick and kiss everywhere, the soft touch and rubbing of his lips makes me shudder to the point of losing myself completely;

The damned has an incredible gift to complicate my life by making me so horny with a few simple touches.

"This is the supposed punishment?"
I muttered.

Hyunjin looked up and I was stunned to see him so excited while he fervently licked from my navel to my collarbones;

He never lost eye contact and I was about to cum just by witnessing and being a part of that incredible scene.

I don't know exactly how it happened, but now I am lying face down on the bed.

"This is the punishment."

He said after giving me a spanking that made me shudder completely, not only that, I also moaned because of the excitement that runs from my crotch to my lower head.

"Lee Minho, you can't just disappear like you did today," he said hoarsely.

I'll really do it more often if it means having more moments like these that don't feel like punishment to me.

@hwangeyesmile here..

sorry for the long absence :(

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