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My cell phone made a sound indicating the arrival of a message, I looked at the screen and I was stunned when I read:

"Minho, change of plans. Together with the producer, I have devised a great idea to ensure that the series has the success that we have bet on until the careers of all those involved, since they have not fully accepted this type of theme in the country. I hope you can understand the importance and do your best so that together, we can reach the top. Pay attention to the little person you will meet this morning. Fighting!"

I was about to send him a message to ask him about that text that doesn't make any sense, however, the doorbell made me leave that text for later and I walked towards the door.

Honestly, I am not waiting for anyone because I am prohibited from telling other actors or actresses my location since misunderstandings could be generated that are well devised by tabloid press or obsessed fanatics who believe that we are beings without the right to have a normal life.

"Hello." as soon as I heard a familiar voice, I took a step back in an absurd attempt not to feel cornered by that man of predominant presence.

I looked straight into the man's eyes and tried not to do or say anything stupid that would embarrass me.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask.

"I've come for you," he replied after shrugging his shoulders, as if it were the most normal thing in the world; clearly, this kind of behavior is not and will not be normal coming from that attractive man.

"What?" I yelled.

"I don't understand..."

"Lee, you never understand anything," he murmured.

"Perhaps, your boss did not tell you about the plan he has devised together with my boss?"

I shook my head by way of response because I have gone blank.

He continued speaking: "Minho, from now on, we will be a couple."

"A couple? What the..!"

"Oi! Stop yelling!" he interrupted.

"I have too many things to do, I can't waste any more time, are you coming or not?"

Is that what Lay was trying to tell me between the lines?

Because if so, you have not made anything clear to me, on the contrary, I feel much more confused at the moment.

Why should I pretend to be in a relationship with Hwang?

I have no idea!

"The producer told me that we would go out for a while to have a connection, but he didn't say anything about a relationship..."

"Don't be stupid, Lee," he clicked his tongue.

"They have devised a plan where the two of us will be a couple for a month. You know why?"

I shook my head in response, he continued speaking..

"They want our best performance on the big screen to reach the whole country and that will give us more fame and money, wouldn't you like to have all that?"

Of course.. I would like to be recognized for my great talent, not for lies.

Although, within this world, everything is valid as long as you have the objective of eating the world because all you want is to obtain the fame that will make you be at the top.

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