☆thirty seven☆

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Lay is right.

I can't just pretend that I'm in love with a person, much less I can agree to go out with the person if I really don't feel anything, however, I am one hundred percent sure that I have completely fallen in such a short time;

It is for this reason that I have decided to give this relationship a chance that possibly has potential and is an extremely pleasant experience, quite the opposite of what I have thought.

I can't let fear overwhelm me, let alone take control of my life because if I let that happen, there will be no turning back and I'll be alone for life, honestly, I'm too attracted to Hyunjin, not only speaking in terms of sexual desire, but something more than that.

"What do you think if we start with the questions and answers?" Minhyun asked excitedly.

"Let's start!" I replied.

"Perfect. The first question is from an international fan, and she says: How do you manage to be so beautiful, talented, beautiful, intelligent and beautiful?"

I couldn't help but smile at the question.

"It's a gift we have," I teased.

"I think the same as Minho" the blonde haired man spoke.

"Here's another one. And it's for Hwang Hyunjin."

"I hear you."

"Do you feel jealous when you see Lino interact and have intimate approaches with other actors and, or actresses?"

Everyone turned their eyes full of curiosity towards the blondehead, including me.

"How could I not be jealous? He is beautiful and I am afraid that he will be taken away from me!"

I know perfectly well that I shouldn't get too excited when hearing those words because they could be a lie, although, on the other hand, something tells me that they are totally true because I remember perfectly well that Hyunjin was upset when he found out that I was willing to film more BL dramas.

It's so hard to understand what's going on with me right now since I've never really liked a person who seems so unattainable before.

"What do you say Minho?" Minhyuk turned to me.

"I'm all yours, Hyunjin." I said with a serious tone without taking my eyes off the blondehead who swallowed as soon as he heard my answer.

"And you know perfectly well."

"Oh my God!" yelled the MC.

"Perhaps, is there information for adults that they haven't told us?" He joked.

"Don't you think it would be something completely irrational if there weren't those little details well hidden?" Hyunjin asked.

"Guys, I love the details, but I'm sure we would be sued if I asked you to tell us about your intimacies." he lamented.

"Let's continue with the next question that is for Minho oppa: Do you feel like you won an award now that you have Hyunjin by your side?"

"I ask you please not to call my baby "oppa"." intervened Hyunjin.

He crossed his arms and added: "I don't like it."

"Hyunjinnie, don't be like that," I said with a honeyed tone.

"What? I'm just taking care of what is mine." He winked at me and I felt so nervous for that simple action.

"Silly" I laughed.

"The answer to the question is that Hyunjin was the one who won the prize!" I joked.

"That's right" agreed the blonde haired boy.

"Minho is a special boy, attractive, intelligent, beautiful, perfect and an excellent actor. Has it all. He has me and I have him. Don't you think it's a win-win?"

"You're right" Minhyuk spoke.

"It's definitely a win-win."

The jokes, the meaningless comments and the random conversations lasted for one more hour.

For the end of the program, we all decided to say: "Fuck everyone who hates love between couples of the same sex, to love you don't need a guide, much less an instructive!"

The public was aware of everything we said and did, as well as the viewers who were at home or elsewhere, plus the MC kept yelling and asking questions all the time in order to give it more "flavor" to the interview that was great.

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