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"Why didn't you tell us about your relationship with that Greek God?" Jisung asked as soon as we reached a lonely place to avoid being spied on by other students.

It's really hard to be a rising star and an ordinary student because one wrong step and everything will be completely ruined.

"Because it's not..." I kept silent as soon as I realized what a stupid thing I was going to do.

"What the hell are you thinking Lee Minho? You can't shout from the rooftops that it's all a farce! What would my followers and followers think of me?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh my God! Haven't you noticed that everyone already knows it?" He let out a thunderous laugh that is the definition of falsehood.

"You're quite a case," he snorted.

"We had to find out about your relationship with Hwang after inquiring about the curiosities of that boy..."

"Say no more," Jisung asked Felix in an attempt to shut him up.

"Don't leave us in evidence, please."

"Were you looking for information about him?" I asked, unable to hide the giggle that blossomed as I imagined both boys searching wikidrama for information about Hyunjin.

"A little?"

I looked at Jisung and smiled.

"We won't anymore," Felix assured me.

"Because now, we can ask him personally."

"Huh? How?" I looked towards him.

"Our dear friend and boyfriend of Hyunjin, will help us take a picture with him."

"Me? Of course not!"

"What? Why not?" Jisung asked offended.

"You don't love us anymore... why are you a star!?" he said fake crying.

"I love and adore you both, but I don't think that..."

They both made me feel bad as soon as I saw their faces covered in disappointment and sadness.

"Oh my god okay. I'll see what I can do." i said.

"Thank you, you're the best!" They yelled in unison.

time skip . . .

"I was surfing the internet and I noticed something that could be worth gold!" Lay spoke as soon as I took a seat in front of him.

"Don't make that face of terror, Lee. You know perfectly well that I would never hurt you, much less force you to do things that could harm you physically or mentally. Don't forget that."

"I know," I sighed.

"What do you have in mind now?"

"I've seen that most of your fans are crying out for you to have more close-ups with Hyunjin, something like a hug, cuddles or whatever, but they want to see more than just shy smiles from you."

"Isn't my role supposed to be shy?"

"Mmm, let's change that a bit." He smiled sideways.

"What do you think if you're the boyfriend now...?"

"Perverted!" Wang yelled as soon as he entered the luxurious office.

Lay looked at him and made a face of complete disgust after wrinkling his nose.

"What? No?"

"I don't think..." He trailed off and turned his bright gaze on me.

"Minho, would you agree to be slightly forward with Hyunjin?"

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