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"Remember, everything must be perfect, understood?"

Key and I nod our heads in response and perch on the respective spots that have been pointed out to us by our perfectionist boss who hasn't stopped jumping up and down with happiness.

I looked at the clock and snorted, two hours have passed since the time set by the well-known director who called Baekhyun and they still haven't arrived, however, I can't complain about being late because I'm not the one.

Suddenly, the door was opened and the director came in and I was left admiring his unequaled demeanor of elegance and security; The man walked to one of the tables and took a seat, he indicated a few things in a low voice to the woman who accompanies him and she, without hesitation, approached the counter.

"The director wants an Americano." he smiled.

"We'll take it right away!" My boss yelled.

Baekhyun asked Key to make the Americano, then he ordered me to go deliver it to the director and reluctantly, I walked over to the man and placed the cup on the table.

"Would you like anything else?" I asked in a neutral tone.

The man looked up from his cell phone and smirked as soon as he met mine.

"You're too handsome to work in a coffee shop. Wouldn't you like to be famous?"

"Who wouldn't want to be?"

I asked without thinking.

The director took a card from his jacket pocket and handed it to me.

"Call me if you're willing to work with me, I won't hesitate for a single second to hire such a god of beauty" He smiled.

Without saying anything else, I walked away from the table because right now, I feel like I'm in a fucking dream that can never come true.

"What happened? Tell us!"

Key demanded as soon as he saw me enter the kitchen.

"I... he... this..." I handed him the card and they both let out a scream.

"God! You accepted?" Baekhyun asked.


"What? Why not?"

"He only gave me the card, he didn't give me to sign a contract." I rolled my eyes.

"Minho, you shouldn't miss this great opportunity," Key said.

"I don't think it's..."

"Put away your fears."

Baekhyun interrupted me.

"That man gave you his card because he sees talent, beauty and intelligence in you."

Certainly, I could pay all the debts that my family left me after their disappearance, however, I do not think it is entirely flattering to enter a world where you give your life to a stranger who will do anything to have money and success.

I have to think about this more carefully.

"Danger lies in being late. That's how my dear grandmother says," Said Key.

"You better not let too much time go by, Minho."

"You should always do what you think is right, no matter what others say because at the end, it's your life and you know what to do with it," Baekhyun advised me with a serious tone.

"Thank you both for your words, I'll think about it."

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