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"Are you homophobic?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Then? What's going on?" asked the producer with an obvious expression of annoyance.

"I'm so sorry," I bowed.

"It won't happen again," I assured him.

"I hope so," the man turned to the rest of those present and said:

"We have bet too much on this story because it is not easy to attract the attention of the spectators if we show them a non-existent chemistry between the main actors, I need you to do everything possible for Put the prejudices aside and do your job, which is to act. Understood?"

They all muttered "understood" by way of reply.

I cannot deny that it is difficult because it is a new world for me, but nothing is impossible and all I have to do is put everything on my part to achieve the desired success.


"Cut!" shouted the producer.

"The scene was wonderful, congratulations."

"Thank you," Minnie and I replied in unison.

The story is simple, but the moral is that, no matter if you are a man or a woman, you must learn to accept yourself, love yourself and feel happy without giving room to what the rest of the world thinks.

It is difficult to capture all this in a short series because most people continue to be closed-minded and will not accept the message of the series so easily.

"Let's continue with the second scene. Let's go!" announced the man.

We settled into our respective places and started the next scene.

And, everything went perfect and I felt very happy because it was the first day that I had not made a mistake.

"Minho, come here," the producer called me.

I quickly approached the man and waited for him to start speaking.

"I have reached an agreement with Lay." he said seriously.

"We have both decided that we must implement an action to make you and Hyunjin able to feel united, confident and comfortable."

Indeed, the scenes that I have recorded with Minnie or Jake are not difficult for me, but everything changes when I meet the blonde head;

The stupidest thing is that I haven't managed to film a single scene with him because I always run away.

"What's that about?" I asked curiously.

"You will have to spend some time to contradict these important men?" I thought.

"Of course not," I smiled.

"It seems a good idea," I lied.

"I'm glad to hear that," the man admitted,

"I hope you'll do your best to achieve the success we've anticipated since we found this beautiful story."

"I will.." I assured him.

"Guys, you can go to your respective houses. That's all for today, see you tomorrow!"

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