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Three years ago

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Three years ago...

"By the power vested in me..." I stare up at my soon-to-be husband who has tears streaming down his cheeks.

I never used to believe people that said you should marry your best friend. Why? You ask. Well, it's simple really.

My best friend growing up was my older brother. I never thought it was possible to have more than one.

Then I went to college. 

I'm a introverted-extrovert. I can put a smile on my face and talk to strangers when I have prepared myself, but then I need time to decompress. So I didn't meet very many people in college because my sister's best friends, were also my best friends, and I didn't need anybody else.

That was until I met Evan Henderson, star goalie for the Miami Mavericks.

I love rom-coms, and romance novels, but love at first sight? Come on, no one falls in love with one look at a person, right? Wrong.

Not only did I prove myself wrong with the marry your best friend theory, I proved myself wrong with the love at first sight theory too.

I first met Evan at a bar. He was one of my brother's teammates and good friends. He was a major flirt, but in a sweet way. My brother, Chris, was so worried about making sure their other teammate--and former playboy--Greyson Rhodes didn't have sex with my sister, that he paid no attention to Evan and I hitting it off and spending the night together.

That was all it was supposed to be. One night. Or at least that's what I told myself, so I wouldn't end up heartbroken. I expected to wake up the next morning and find the side of the bed he slept on empty. And it was, but not for reasons I'd thought. No, the bed was empty because Evan left to go get donuts--because the poor man can't cook for shit.

To say I was surprised when I hopped in the shower, and fifteen minutes later he barges in and starts stripping, is an understatement. Though I do feel bad about hurting his feelings when I told him I'd thought it was just a one-night stand.

So maybe it wasn't love at first sight. Maybe it was love at first stay, I'm not sure, but it only grew from there.

So now, after over a year of being together, and watching our best friends get married and have babies, it's our turn.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." A gorgeous grin takes over Evan's face as he squeezes my hands. "You may kiss the bride."

Evan tugs me into him and cups my cheeks, mumbling I love you's against my lips as he kisses me hard and passionately.

Evan has been my support since I met him. And I him. And that will never end.

I just wish someone had warned me that not everyone has a fairytale marriage.

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