6. We Did It, Baby

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My heart races quickly as I stare down at the pregnancy test with a digital clock on it

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My heart races quickly as I stare down at the pregnancy test with a digital clock on it. Then my gaze moves to the other two brands of pregnancy tests--you can never be too sure.

"You just gotta walk away, baby. Staring at 'em won't help anything." I steal a glance in the mirror to see Evan leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"I tried to walk away." And I did, but my feet wouldn't move from the tile floor.

"How much longer you got?"

I look at the timer on my Apple Watch. "Twenty-seven seconds."

He remains in the doorway, and I take the time to admire his chiseled chest and abdomen--unlike my abdomen, that has bruises on either side of it from injections.

"Hey no matter what it says, we're gonna be okay." He says just before my timer goes off. I quickly silence it and look down at the row of pregnancy tests lined up on our bathroom counter.

I see one line on the test and my heart stops, but then I look a little closer to see a faded second line and my breath hitches.

There are two clear lines on another test. And the last one reads yes. "Evan." I say but he's already behind me. I clasp my hand over my mouth and stand there in astonishment.

I pick up the first test and turn around. "Evan it's positive." He looks down at my hands and swallows slowly. "They're all positive." I manage to choke out.

"You're pregnant?" He takes the test from my hand and examines it. "You're- You're- We're- We're pregant?"

I laugh through my tears. "Yeah. We're pregnant."

The test slips through his fingers and drops to the floor as he cups my cheeks. "We're having a baby?"

"We're having a baby."

He slams his lips to mine and reaches down, cups the backs of my thighs and lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist and my shoulder around his neck as he pecks my lips several times before burying his face in the crook of my neck. "We did it, baby. We did it."

I squeeze him tightly as I cry happy tears. It feels good. To know all that you went through is paying off. That all the shots are worth something.

There have been so many times throughout this journey that I've wanted to give up. To forget everything and just accept the fact that it's never going to happen. But Evan held onto my hand the entire way and kept tugging me along the trail.

Evan Henderson is my goddamn rock, that's for fucking sure.

"And we already have a doctor appointment next Tuesday." I say when I pull my chin off his shoulder. "So we don't have to wait this time."

He cups the back of my head and brings my forehead to his. "To think, just last night I was willing to give up. To toss the shots in the trash and move on to Plan B, whatever that may have been."

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