20. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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I stand outside of airport gates, scrolling through my phone as I wait for Ellie to get off her plane

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I stand outside of airport gates, scrolling through my phone as I wait for Ellie to get off her plane.

This whole back and forth thing is exhausting and I miss going to bed next to my wife every night, but I'm doing what I can.

I glance up just as one of my new teammates walks out of the bathroom.


He freezes in his steps and looks at me. "Um, oh, hey Henderson. What're you doing here?"

I nod toward the baggage claim. "Pickin' up my wife."

"Ah. I heard she's still in Miami. She moving soon?"

I shake my head. "She's a teacher so she's waiting for the school year to end."

"Oh. That's gotta suck."

He has no idea. "Yeah. You're married right?"

He lifts his hand to touch a wedding band that isn't there anymore. "Er, yeah." My brows furrow. He was just talking about his wife and kids in the locker room this morning. So where's his ring? "My fingers swell when I fly." He answers, flexing his hand.

A flash of blonde hair whips past me before latching itself to Järnki's side. "Hey, baby." The younger woman kisses his jaw and I flinch.

"You're fingers swell, huh?" I ask, my jaw tightening.

His eyes have a pleading look to them as he wraps an arm around the blonde who clearly isn't his wife.

"Evan!" Ellie's voice pulls me out of my glaring.

I turn my head to see Ellie walking towards me with... Bentley? That little...

"What the hell is he doin' here, baby?" I ask, scooping the dog up in my arms.

"You need him more than I do. You don't have any friends, babe." I wince when I realize Järnki heard what she said.

"It was nice seeing you, Järnki. I'll see you Monday?"

"Sure." He says. I turn around and begin to walk away when his voice stops me. "Henderson, wait."

Ellie and I turn around to see him rubbing the side of his neck. "You won't... You won't tell anyone, will you?"

"I should. You and your buddies have been nothing but dicks to me." I tell him. "But I'm not like that. So, no. I won't tell anyone because it's not my place."

Then I turn around and walk out of the airport with my wife and giant lap dog.

Bentley sits on the middle console the whole car ride home.

"What was that about?" Ellie asks when I pull into the parking garage of the hotel I'm currently living in

"Chick wasn't his wife." I mutter, feeling anger flood through my veins. Ellie gasps beside me and I unbuckle my seat belt. "But it's not my business."

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