36. Home

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"And this was going to be your room, but that was before we had to move, so don't even bother looking in there

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"And this was going to be your room, but that was before we had to move, so don't even bother looking in there." Evan shuts the door to Ainsley's supposed-to-be nursery and turns to the other door. "And this is where you'll be staying until you get the all clear from Dr.Fischer to see a regular pediatrician."

He walks into our room with Ainsley in his arms. He insisted on giving her a tour, even if she doesn't know what the hell is going on.

"Oh, and there's Bentley!" Our golden retrieve jumps off our bed. "You don't get to meet big bro quite yet, but you're going to love him when you do."

I notice the bassinet on my side of the bed, and a glider in the corner of the room that wasn't there when I'd left for school that day. "When did this get here?"

"Dad came and set it up a few weeks back." He smiles. "Surprise?"

"Tell Papa Henderson I said thanks if you see him before I do."

"That's Papaw Henderson now, thank you." He dismisses me with the wave of his hand.

I plant my hands on my hips and cock my eyebrow. "Excuse me with the attitude."

Evan snickers.

Ainsley begins to fuss and I step forward, suddenly on alert. "Aw, come here, baby girl."

"I think she needs fed." Evan says, gently passing her to me. "And the tour may have been," He rubs the back of his neck with a frown. "a little overstimulating."

I cradle Ainsley in my arm and use my free hand to pull my shirt up. I unfasten the strap of the nursing bra and tug it down.

"I'll go grab the rest of the stuff from the car." Evan says as Ainsley latches onto my nipple.

I sit on the edge of the bed and stare down at my baby girl. Her hand rests on the curve of my breast, gripping it lightly. Her gaze is slightly to the side and her blinks are slow.

A wave of tiredness crashes over me the longer I sit there, and I wish I'd at least leaned against the headboard.

"Here." Evan comes walking back in a little bit later with a pair of scissors. I sit in confusion until he grabs ahold of my wrist and cuts off the hospital band, gently doing the same for Ainsley, then he sets them on top of the dresser. "You wanna go to bed when she's done?"

"Please." I nearly whimper at the thought of sleeping in my own bed.

"I thought so."

After Ainsley is done eating, I swaddle her and place her in the bassinet beside the bed.

I don't even bother brushing my teeth, or untying my messy bun, before I climb into bed and crash in the arms of my husband.

I don't know what time I wake up, but Evan's side of the bed is empty. I squint my eyes open to find it's still dark outside.

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