38. Situationship

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"I just love her."

"Okay, well don't go imprinting on her like Jacob from Twilight, okay?"

"No offense dude, but I don't really want to have sexual fantasies about your daughter twenty years from now." Shayne shudders.

"Good answer." I pat his shoulder.

I step into the kitchen where Gillaine and Sophia are hanging out with Ellie. "Hey, it's almost-" And before I can finish my sentence, Ainsley starts crying. "...time for her to eat." Ellie glances at the clock and then brushes past me.

"I didn't do anything, I swear!"

Ellie softly chuckles as she takes Ainsley from Shayne's grasp. "She's hungry."

"Oh." Relief washes over his face. "Okay, good."

"Do you want to feed her?" Panic fills his now widened eyes and Ellie laughs. "I'm just kidding."

"Woo, okay, good. Papa Shayne is not ready for that, yet."

"Uncle." I correct.


"Already have one of those." Ellie mutters as she walks back into the house.

A few minutes later, all three girls step out onto the screened porch. Ellie has a nursing cover slung over her shoulder. I nod for her to come sit by me, but she's already doing it. I pat her thigh, as to say, that's my girl... Or maybe, that's my good girl.

She gets Ainsley situated on her breast under the nursing cover that she is now wearing before turning her attention to the small group.

"I am so not ready for the holidays." I catch Gillaine drawling. "They're just so damn hectic. I never know what to get anyone."

"Well, I wear a Nike size-"

"You're not getting Nike shoes from anyone here, I can tell you that."

Shayne sighs. "I see how it is. Okay, my Gucci size is-"

"Where the hell did you get the idea that you'd be getting a present from us anyways?" I ask, resting my arm on the back of the patio sofa.

Shayne flashes us a grin that I'm sure drops several panties. "How could you not? I am your captain, after all."

"Yeah, well, I'm the reason we've already had a shutout this season. And it's only been a month since said season started."

"He's got a point, Sampson."

"Yo, where the hell is Quinn?' Shayne looks around, avoiding our gazes with a cheeky smile on his face. "I thought he was coming."

"Something came up."

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