10. Captain Crème de la Crème

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I shoved some tissue into the bag before taking a step back and staring at it

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I shoved some tissue into the bag before taking a step back and staring at it. I bit down on my knuckle and narrowed my eyes.

"Hey, have you seen my... Whatcha doing?" Ellie asks curiously as she steps into the kitchen.

"Does the tissue paper look weird. Maybe I should go with white. Nope. It's the bag. The bag the is the problem." I step forward, ripping the tissue paper out of the bag and tossing it behind me.

"Okay..." Ellie slowly backs up. "I'll be upstairs if you need me. Um... It's just a bag, honey, it doesn't matter."

I tap my lip with my pointer-finger. "You're right. It should go in a box. Do we have any non-Christmas themed wrapping paper?"

"You can check by the tree. I'm not sure."

I nod, brushing past her. "Cool. Thanks."

"You okay, babe?" Out of the corner of my eye I see Ellie lean against the doorway.

"Fine." My voice squeaks.

"Mhm, sure. What's really going on?"

"I'm nervous." I turn towards her with two rolls of wrapping paper in my hand. "I just don't want them to get excited. Is it too soon to tell everyone?"

"Probably. But we've waited long enough for this."

"Yeah." I nod. "Tan or white?"

"Well, the white one has corgi's with Santa hats, where the tan is literally just paper so..."

"You're right." I snap my finger. "I should use a bag."

Ellie chuckles and steps towards me. "Maybe I should wrap it? And you should go shower?"

I nod, then nod some more. "Okay. Yeah, sure. Just um... white tissue paper, not cream."

She purses her lips together. "Okay, baby. If white is the better choice over... cream, then I will take your judgment seriously." She pats my cheek.

"Great. Glad we're on the same page."

"Me too."

We both stand there.

"What was I doing again?"

"Going to shower." Ellie says slowly, as if I were one of her students.

I chuckle nervously. "Oh, yeah. Wanna join?"

"I just took a shower... Hint: the towel wrapped around me."

I lower my gaze for the first time and I take my bottom lip between my teeth. "Yeah... You look sexy, though."

"Go shower." She says through a laugh, pointing to the staircase.

As I'm washing my hair, Ellie comes into the bathroom to blow dry hers.

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